Ad/da converter questions...


Feb 10, 2009
Im currently running two api 512s into a tascam us1800 for it's AD. I also just picked up a x32 producer and plan on using it as an interface. Im not sure how the ad/da conversion in the behringer compares to apogee or rme converters. Would it be worth picking an ad/da converter?

Another option I have is to pick up an apogee ensemble.
I've no experience with Behringer converters, but when it comes to conversion as well as monitoring- the more you pay, the better the quality. So pretty safe to assume external converters will sound better as their quality will usually be reflected in their price, especially if it's Apogee or RME
I've owned RME and currently run a Symphony but I'd listen to the x32 and see if you find the converters deficient before you spend a couple of extra grand. IME that money goes further other places (mics, room treatment, etc.).