Adagio - "Archangels In Black"

Oct 4, 2006
So I've been waiting for the new album from Adagio (FRA) Progressive Power/Death, and I never thought to see if they put up 2 songs on there myspace. I went there today they had 2, "Fear Circus" and "Vamphyri".

And I must say this album will probably kick my ass.

Vamphyri if you want to hear "Fear Circus"

you be the judge. To me it sounded fucking great.
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Sounds nice, though I fuckin' hate the singers voice. The songs seem to have an even darker aura this time.

I only have Underworld so I still have the rest of their discography to explore.

Sanctus Ignis is the only one worthy of a listen IMO. It's a straight-up neo-classical album and it's quite different from Underworld.
Sounds nice, though I fuckin' hate the singers voice. The songs seem to have an even darker aura this time.

Sanctus Ignis is the only one worthy of a listen IMO. It's a straight-up neo-classical album and it's quite different from Underworld.

I actually thought Dominate is there best to date. I dunno, I just find Terror Jungle a fucking brilliant song lol
I have Underworld, and it blows major ass. Blunt technicality without good song writing is horrible, and they fail at incorporating any real sense of neoclassicism to their music imo. Maybe the new one will be different though