Adam D question...


New Metal Member
May 8, 2009
Does anyone no if Adam D, or other artist/producers charge their own bands for working on an album?
thats like the most retarded question i've ever heard - why would he charge himself?
He would literally be transferring money from his account, into his account.

Maybe people in that situation just get the label to hire a studio or pay for a bunch of other expenses, but I can't imagine the 'producer' saying to the band mates "you owe me money for recording this" when band's always pay for things as a group I'd imagine, and really having a member of the band be a producer/engineer would be a good idea to SAVE money instead of rotate it pointlessly.
Just throwing it out there, but maybe he charges the label, cuz it still is work he's doing and money he's saving them? (even though it's also money he's saving his band, I'm just playing devil's advocate :saint: )
That's what I was implying when I said it'd probably save money or something like that, but I said it in a really dumb and round-a-bout way. :lol:
With Roadrunner, KsE is most definitely not paying out of their pocket for recordings. He's contracted to the label as a band member, but I'm sure he gets paid for the work he does on the production front.
It's all going to come out of the same recording advance regardless. It really just depends on what he works out with the other guys. There is certainly a big difference between just playing your parts and micing/tracking/editing/playing/editing/mixing.
I would say, of course he gets paid for his job. Why wouldn't he? KSE is running a business, and when someone does a job, i.e. play gigs, making cover art or mix an album, I believe they get payed.
Of course he gets paid. :p

A very big problem with the underground scene IMO is that when it does come to the point where a label IS involved and especially bigger labels, many people don't realize that the label IS running a business. So even the initial question from OP implies that if a label was to ask him to produce an album for free, he would probably do it and not make a cent, paying for it all out of his own pocket while the label takes all the money. Same problem with bands when they sign their sought after deal that states the label has every opportunity to *ss *uck them. It's silly... every single record deal signed by bands is basically a statement to the fact that they will never make a dime from their music.

Labels know this fact and exploits it all the time, and they get away with it because artists don't take the time to get to know the business side of music. It should be about simple fairness damit! Even normal business lawyers can't stand looking at a record deal, they think it's a joke. You need music lawyers for that... I mean, come on. :cry:

Sorry for the rant, I've just seen so many bands get *ss *ucked over the years by labels, leaving them totally devastated. So I get a bit upset... :puke:
I think that the person recording deserves to get paid. Most definitely. They are spending hours editing, recording, coming up with ideas etc. The other people in the band have to appreciate that, so giving him a larger cut, or paying him for his services.
I am amazed by how many people don't realize that the majority of the time when you are on a label, there is a recording budget. It also amazes me at how mean people can be on here.

EDIT: *cough cough* Ridiculous

for Adam haha