Adam D question...

You know, 9/10 of the fun of being an ass to someone on the internet comes from being right. You should try that sometime.


But Jeff!


I never gave him an answer - I asked why

He wasn't giving an answer, he claims he was merely asking why Adam D would pay himself totally honestly and legitimately, yup, even preceded by "That's like the most retarded question I've ever read," he was still being totally sincere when asking why Adam D would pay himself, no chance he was being a rude, sarcastic, rhetorical-question-asking douche, none whatsoever! :lol:

Nice backpedaling Loco, smooooth. If you were really just "asking why," what was the point in preceding it with a huge dig at the original poster?
Yeah, I'm with you, he screwed the pooch pretty vigorously with that one and I'm glad you called him out before I felt like getting off my ass and thinking too hard.

Loco, there are *plenty* of retarded questions around and that's not even one of them - especially with all the stuff said above (regarding recording advances and all that mess) that statement earned you a fairly serious facepalm.

@OP (WhammyWon or whatever)

What was your purpose in asking this question? (Curious as to what knowledge you hoped to gain from it)

Also, I'm really not trying to be a dick, I'm just wondering in all honesty what you hoped to take away from the conversation and how it would benefit you.

Yeah dude, I was discussing with one of my friends, the other guitarist in my band, that I would like to record us for next to nothing, but I wouldn't do it for free. And he tried telling me that other producer/engineers do this extra work for their bands for no additional money than what they already make.

Pretty much just to prove him wrong. haha.