Adam Sub 8 for Adam A3X?

Jan [MTW]

Aug 26, 2010
Hey Guys,
At the moment i have the Adam A3X and i am really happy with 'em.
But with their 5" Woofer I am not really able to hear/mix the low-end.
So, i want to buy a Subwoofer additional to them. I thought that the
Adam Sub 8 would be a good choice, but i read that it's designed espacially
for the Adam A7X. Does that mean they don't fit to the Adam
A3X or would that be just fine?
Don't be affraid to recommend subwoofers which are even better than the
Sub 8 in your oppinion. :)

I have the Sub8 for my A7s but it should work just as fine for the smaller Adams IMO. You could get the cheaper and smaller Sub7 but I haven't tried it so no idea if it's good.
Thanks for the answer! :)
Could you recommend that Sub?

...any else here who uses it with the A3x?

Do the 3Hz differenz between the Sub 7 and Sub 8
make a big difference? Or why is there such ich "big"
pricerange between them?
As I said - I haven't tried out the sub7 but I am happy with the sub8. With either you'll have to invest a good amount of time finding the best spot for the sub and you'll really need good room treatment, too.