How to treat this shitty room?

Jan [MTW]

Aug 26, 2010
Hey guys,
I want to treat my bedroom "studio" in the coming weeks, but i have no idea on where to put the basstraps.
It would be nice if you could enlighten me there! :)


So thats my room. It's very small and I don't see an option on how to get the table out of the corner. Nontheless, I want to treat it.
At the moment i own the Adam A3X and I really love them, but with those little woofers I can't hear the low-end. Could I even put a subwoofer in such a small (but treated) room without big accoustic problems? Because it really sucks to not be able to mix the low-end.

If a subwoofer would be ok I am thinking about to get the Adam Sub7 or Adam Sub8. Which one would be the better choice for my room?

Thanks! :wave:
I think a sub would be pointless. Do some broadband absorption boards, and try them in different parts of the room to see how it sounds.
Ok thanks!
Is there a guide how to build some stylish (with stylish I only mean that they don't look like this) absorbers?
Because I'll renovate my room in 1 week and i don't want that ugly absorbers destroy the new look of it. :lol:
And how much would it cost to build one?
Or should I buy some in a store?
Here's a good resource:

Read the stickies (also in the subforums), they contain so much good info.

As for the style.. well, the basic structure of a broadband absorber is a frame holding wool inside covered with cloth, so if you do them yourself, your imagination is the only limit. I didn't calculate the cost per panel for our studio, since I got some of the material for free. But I've seen rough figures from between €10-30. Compare that to commercial products that could cost .. I don't know.. €100-250 each / pack of 4 or something? They usually do look better than DIY ones.. :)
Alright! Now the time has finally come.
I finished the renovation of my room today and now I have to care about the accoustical treatment.
To use this little room a bit more effictive I want to place the table different.


Which option would be better? 1, 2 or leave it like it was before?

Also I need to build or buy some broadband absorbers as you said. Just to be sure: Is this what I'd need?
99€ seems very expensive but I love the look of 'em. Nevertheless, I'd probably get better away with DIY ones, right?

Another question is : Do I also need something else excpet for the broadband absorbers? : Basstraps?, Diffusors...?

Thanks! :headbang:
The best location for bass traps is often a trial and error process, but it's always a safe bet to say that you get maximum absorption along the edges of the room and specifically at vertexes. (apologies for the maths language, it's just to remove any ambiguity about what a corner is).

Diffusion is lovely, but probably a secondary concern after other treatment. The first broadband absorbers will be best positioned at early reflection points (if your monitors fired squash balls, where would they have to bounce them in order to hit your head)

What is the construction of the walls of the room?