Addictive drums question


Apr 6, 2009
Portland Oregon
I cant figure this out lol, I've been messing with it for the past hour and its driving me crazy.

I am trying to replace the snare with apTrigga but the overhead channel is also picking up some of the original snare that I'm trying to get rid of. It doesn't sound too bad but I can always hear that little bit of the snare that I didn't want in there.

So my question is:
What could I adjust in Addictive Drum's or even my DAW to make it avoid picking up the snare? I use reaper if that help at all.
Two knobs here, one for OH and one for Room bleed:


By clicking on "Snare" on the snare channel here:

FWIW, and yes I paid for AD, but I have never seen it torrented or otherwise available to pirate. Although, never looked for it either really.. :lol: I don't even use the manual, I just ask my friend questions if anything ever comes up.