addition mic for acoustic guitar

TonyS. |
Feb 13, 2010
Hey guys,
searching for a addition mic for the AT4040. I want to use it for micing the neck while using AT4040 for the dody.

Thinking about a this price range I would it even buy as a stereo pair.

I also like the Beyerdynamic MC930(use it for live, and at studio on: for Hats, overheads and room mics), but this is the maximum price range, rather to expensive at the moment...

Any references?
...these mics are all above my price range. I will not use them this often, so this is not worth the money, for me.

I will try the Nt5s and compare them to MC930s.

Tony, those are the same microphones, but the ones in my link are modded with premium electronics. It really makes a gigantic difference. Cost cutting leads companies to use inferior components to meet price point, and when the circuit is very simple, the upgrades help.
The MC930 is an incredible mic, the bonus is that it's useful on lots of sources besides the usual acoustic/overhead/etc. It's just such a big, warm sounding mic.

You should also look around for a Josephson C42, they're pretty amazing. Compared to the MC930, the Josephson is faster with the transients and a bit clearer on top.
First of all you need a great (expensive)guitar to get a great recorded tone. And then you need a decent microphone to capture the already awesome sounding guitar. Simple as that.