ADI Horror of it all tabs


Dec 6, 2005
Hey all, does anyone know of a link, or know the correct way to play the intro to Horror of It All? I got most of the electric parts figured out, and some of the intro. The arpeggiated part halfway through the intro is hard for my deaf ears to decipher, and I am not for sure if I have that first chord right (D minor variant??). I am piss poor at transcribing from ear, so any and all help would be greatly appreciated!:grin:
sorry cant help, but what a fucking song!. hope they umleash it soon. i love frankies bass playing on this song and the solo kicks ass as well
Too bad none of the Belladonna era Anthrax tab books are still in print. I'd love to get my hands on a brand new POT or ATL tab book! Ya I could find a copy on ebay or whatever, but it'd be easier/quicker for me just to order it through the music store I teach at. Plus I get a 25% discount on anything in the store which kicks ass! :lol: