Adrian Bromley has died.

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.

Adrian was a supporter of all things WoY since the very beginning in 2002. Lots I could say here. I'm going to take some time to put a few more words together and find a few old photos.

I just spoke him last week about a few things. We discussed some business, he told me about his new label/promotions company he started... + I mailed him some new merch as a surprise just last week... I last saw him at the Toronto WOODS show just a couple weeks ago. He was in a great mood, excited to see the show, drinking beer, talking with everyone. He hooked me and my guys up with copies of the new Unrestrained!, and all the new band were excited to finally meet THE Adrian Bromley in person! It was life as usual.

This is a very sad day, but Adrian has left so much from his life for us to reflect upon and be inspired by. He was the real deal. Rock on my friend! You are already missed! :kickass:

There is much more to be said and done. Until then.
Adrian started the WOY "A Meeting Place and Time" thread that finally got me to order the Against the Seasons demo from Mr. Gold back when...he was a great fellow...

Some of the memories I posted on the Braveboard:

The Bromley Chainsaw. That guy who can carry on three conversations at once while sleeping. Lord Vinyl Pillager. The Energizer. Mister Pink Bunny. Adrian.

I got the terrible news last night as I was spinning some Solitude Aeternus, drinking the nectar of the gods (ok, it was Miller Lite), and surfing the few metal sites I frequent, and casually thinking I’d bump into him as always.


I think back to all the fond memories of MPB, from first meeting him in person at ProgPower V in Atlanta in 2004, to hanging out and sharing hotel rooms and other friend’s places at future ProgPowers, the Testament Reunited gigs in DC, and on his home turf of Toronto for the spectacular coming-together of people and bands that was Day of the Equinox. He introduced me to real Canadian bacon, Orphaned Land (literally and musically), and was an ambassador of metal.

He was everywhere, had his hands in everything, knew everyone, and could finagle all kinds of shit. I remember hitting up Deathgasm Records with him a few years back in suburban Atlanta and he walked out with a FIST, not just a couple, but a heavy-duty FIST of Deathgasm releases and distro stuff—all after handing the fellas there a couple copies of U! and talking to them for about 5 minutes. That’s how he always seemed to move through life. “Here, have this shirt—the band gave me 3 and I only need one.”

The Web of The Energizer.

Through Adrian, I got to meet many great people that I still hang out with/chat with to this day. He was always the connection, whether they be boarders, bands, promoters, industry people—you name it, he was entrenched in metal, connections, and camaraderie. Always on the promotional prowl, he was constantly plugging underground bands. “Band X is AMAZING!” or “If you want on the guest list for show Y, just email me…”


“Yo, Zeke—it’s Adrian—you know what’s going on with Woods of Ypres?”

Words that never failed to get me salivating. He’d drop a juicy tidbit or two, and off he’d go, maybe for just a day or maybe a month or two, but there’d always be another call.

Until now.
With the great fellow:

Testament Reunited show bbq, Suburban DC, June 2005

ProgPower USA, Atlanta. 2006?

Day of the Equinox, during Green Carnation
Man I was just explaining the other day to someone how fantastic Unrestrained! is, of some of the great metalzines out there, and how I appreciate all their work, pretty shocked to see that he died. RIP, work is most definitely appreciated
I'll be at the memorial-- it appears that a chunk of the contingent that went up for the original DOTE is going up for this as well.

Got my plane ticket this morning...