WOODS OF YPRES confirmed for Adrian Bromley's Tribute!

This was an absolutely amazing event.... I have never experienced anything like it, to be honest. The positive energy in the room was amazing... drinks were had, stories were shared, tears were shed, and hugs were given out freely.

I feel privileged to have attended and to have had Adrian be a part of my life.

Woods were absolutely awesome... a perfect end to the night. Was great to hear some Woods 2 material, and awesome to capture the performance with zekeyou...
Woops, you beat me to it. Can't wait to see Will to Give and Thrill of the Struggle!
What an absolutely amazing event. Definitely something I will remember for the rest of my life....

Some more Woods related pictures....


Zekeyou and I singing along....


A few pics from the mammoth event...





Getting hoarse...

What I picked up at the silent auction:

EDIT: Ha, HMA-- I see you posted the singing pic-- excellent!

I still haven't really come up with any words to capture the event-- surreal, unbelievable, spectacular-- just simple adjectives at this time.

I watched the hourlong memorial this afternoon and it hit me even harder than on Saturday night.
Thanks for posting all the photos! + Thanks for everyone who came out to show their support. It was definitely a powerful evening. It was nice to see so many people who I hadn't seen since 2005, as well as meet so many new friends in person for the first time. The heavy metal community remains the friendliest group of people I've ever associated with (though we may often look scary, mean and cool). A friend recently said that by Adrian being the epitome of a heavy metal fan, he had attracted so many fans himself. I was always one of them and I always thought of Adrian as the kind of guy with a personality that one should aspire develop. I never once met Adrian in a discouraging mood, though he spent his life working in a tough business with lots of ups and downs. My explanation for his happiness is that he chose to work for something that he loved and believed in so dearly. There's lots to be learned from his character.

On behalf of the band, Evan, Steve, Bryan and I were very proud to have performed at Adrian's tribute and I sincerely thank and appreciate those guys for making the necessary efforts to pull it off. I was proud of my guys for truly realizing the importance and significance of this event. We were there, and we all felt it. I believe that when you've been given to in life, you MUST give back when the time comes, or else... What started with me waking at 5 a.m. to a -26 Sault Ste. Marie morning last Thursday, stepping in cat puke with my socks on and then fighting for an hour outside to get my car doors to unfreeze so I could drive to Detroit to pick Evan up to allow us a day of rehearsal before the drive to Toronto, ended with a night of big laughs, good friends, a cathartic performance on the stage of the Opera House and a late night drunk-on with the ever-upstanding and hospitable Mark Coatsworth. + We ate at Wendy's on the drive home on Sunday and I ate a triple-classic w/ biggie fries and drink and it was as delicious and satisfying as reward for a job well done as it was sedating. We owed it to Adrian to give back to him and we were rewarded yet again for doing so. Evidence once again that effort itself is good fortune. Pay your debts, deliver on your promises, keep your commitments, love one another, be good to each other and I’m quite certain you’ll find happiness inherently.

Adrian did so much for all metal as a whole as well as so much specifically for WOODS OF YPRES. He was one of our biggest supporters, a good friend of the band and a good friend of mine since way back in 2002. Before that I used to read his magazine and dream of one day gracing the pages. There has been lots of good history in between that I’ll remember throughout my life. As I said on stage, I will feel forever indebted to Adrian. We couldn’t have done what we did without him. Adrian will always be in our hearts and on our minds when writing, recording, performing, listening to metal, drinking beers laughing and enjoying life. We do have a few more tribute ideas in the works for Adrian. Though still sad, more good will come out of this yet, too! Also as I said on stage, I like to point out that even in death, Adrian continues to bring people together. Few people receive such love when they go. Adrian exemplified how to be.


Rock on man! We miss you!

David Gold & the Woods…

Evan, Steve, Bryan - \w/