Adrian jesus christ get some sleep, man!

are you suffering from sleep deprivation or are you actually seeing:


hahahhaaha latest headlines:

U.S. to probe Saddam underwear photos

Bush promises probe into Saddam underwear pictures
What is up with people taking pictures and selling them to the press? First Abu Grabass and now this! Where is the security!!? Or is it the security themselves leaking this shit...

Anyway, this chick got put away today. She is now lesbian fodder (on a dishonorable discharge too, haha):


Apparently she was done for forcing Iraqi prisoners to masturbate all over her face. Or something like that. :loco:
So, let's take a simple test:

A - Will these photographs infuriate Saddam loyalists?
B - Will these photographs be ignored by Saddam loyalists?

Here's what Bush has to say about it (excerpt taken from the BBC):

President George W Bush said he did not think the photos would encourage insurgents in Iraq.

"I don't think a photo inspires murderers. I think they're inspired by an ideology that's so barbaric and backwards that it's hard for many in the Western world to comprehend how they think."

My goat, this man has no clue at all....