Adrian on the new album...

Tough As Steel

a.k.a. Aussie Dave
Feb 12, 2002
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okay, okay i don't have a link. But i found an interview for a Brazilian guitar mag, written in portugese. I used an on-line translator to convert it to english, and it's still hard to read, but i deciphered this much:

Adrian said he had plenty of ideas in his head to contribute to the new album, and that Bruce and Janick already had plenty of material together.
Sounds good, I hope Adrian gets more songs on this one!

I think they should do more with the 3 guitars as well.
Although i'd like to be proven wrong, i doubt we will see another Instrumental from Maiden.

As far as Adrian's contribution goes, he has usually only ever contributed to say 2-3 songs per album anyways. But it seemed to me that his contributions on BNW were just bits & pieces as opposed to whole song ideas. Perhaps now after 2 tours and a studio album under his belt, he feels more part of the band again and will come in with a couple of more complete songs....( a repeat of his form on SIT would be sweet). But in the 80's he & Bruce seemed to gravitate toward each other as song writers, and they did some brilliant stuff together. Now with Janick around, Bruce seems to write more with Jan as opposed to H.

Anyways, if they can simply capitalise on their revamped sound in BNW, push it a bit further, make the 3 guitars more of a feature, go for a heavier direction...i'll be happy. BUT who knows what we are going to get???

I hope that we get to see/read snippets of how things progress in the studio while they are recording. Kind of like Metallica are doing, i think that is really cool that they have pics and updates on whats happening....its great for the fans, and builds up some nice excitement, as long as they dont give too much away i think it would work well.
I dont mean just Adrian writing by himself, just as long as he gets involved in the writing a bit more :D

It would be cool if they posted updates like Metallica did, but Maiden dont seem like the kind of band that would do it :cry:

I wonder what it will sound like, they did say it would be "more progressive" but that was a year ago, so perhaps things have changed...
I expect it to sound pretty much like BNW, but perhaps a touch more experimental ("progressive" if you will) with the 3 guitar harmonies and such. I can't wait. :)

I would LOVE for bands to do more instrumentals. Metallica's and Maiden's instrumentals kick arse, but they seem to have abandoned the idea...
The only problem with instrumentals is its too easy to make crap ones :( They have to be really good to hold your interest!
Maiden have had three guitar harmony's and shit since the very beginning. The magic of a studio.

Three different guitarist should only make a difference live.
Man i gotta admit its freakin' me out....but every time within 6-9 months of knowing a new Maiden studio album is on the way...i start gettin' excited.

Like having bizarre dreams and shit. I think i mentioned a few weeks back about a dream where i met the band...well a few nights back i dreamt i had Adrian over to my house and i was showing him my new guitar....and he knocked it off its stand and broke it. :( So anyways he felt real bad and pulled out 3 of his guitars and said i could have one, to make up for it......he had like a Jackson, Les Paul and an accoustic of some im playing away on them to see which one i like best and then it was my turn to f$@K up, as i dropped his jackson and the neck snapped :o, he was pissed at first but then he said "well i guess we're square now" :lol:

And last night i dreamt that the new album is going to have 10 songs on it, and that it it would be subtly different to BNW.