Click on the link to the Adrian Smith interview/guitar lesson. - Very cool. How was the band getting along during the recording process?
Smith: We had a couple of little hiccups. I usually want to play for the sake of the guitar, so I play a song a bit slower, whereas Steve likes to play things right on the edge. So there was little friction about that, but nothing unhealthy. That's what a band's all about: You have to have a bit of debate otherwise it just sounds very bland.
Adrian Smith.
Click on the link to the Adrian Smith interview/guitar lesson. - Very cool. How was the band getting along during the recording process?
Smith: We had a couple of little hiccups. I usually want to play for the sake of the guitar, so I play a song a bit slower, whereas Steve likes to play things right on the edge. So there was little friction about that, but nothing unhealthy. That's what a band's all about: You have to have a bit of debate otherwise it just sounds very bland.
Adrian Smith.