adult tonsillectomy

chronic tonsillitis. kept getting sick and getting infections. in the spring had 4 back to back infections and took 4 course of anti biotics to make it go away but then a few weeks ago it came back and they were like they are infected beyond repair. the surgery itself is fine its the recovery that sucks, at least so far. thank god for two things

1) the internet
2) percocet

i got a lot of great resources about pain management and recovery optimization from online sources and other stories. and percocets... well they keep me from totally jumping out the window lol.
Heh i was about 4 or 6 too.
I remember it and i am 32 now...
100% truth:
The doc said "this won't hurt a bit", cut... i screamed at him "what did you do to me you son of a bitch ?!?!?".
Just imagine a nice little boy saying such a thing to a nice doctor... i still laugh every time i remember it. :)
In August I had a Bi-lateral inferior turbinate reduction surgery (cauterizing off obstructive nasal lining). A never ending bloody nose for a week, and a debilitating burning sensation for about 4 weeks. I am still in some discomfort, but at this point, it just feels good to breathe. Fun thing is that they don't put you under for that one, so its pretty interesting to feel and smell them burn out your inner tissues.

I have to say, any surgery in around the nasal cavity and throat is a very uncomfortable experience, more so than broken bones. At least with broken bones particularly limbs, they are out of the way body parts and you can message them when needed. Having equal pain inside your face that you can't touch...absolute hell.
woke up with fever tremors this morning had a really high fever went to the ER.

they need to give me a stronger anti biotic my body was immune to them after taking them the whole year and i was starting to develop a post-op infection. FUN!!!!!!!!

this sucks.
I feel lucky in a weird way.

I'm pretty much always slightly hungover, bad back, tired...

But I rarely get ill.

I don't know how many Doctors will subscribe to my advice... I smoke a bit (gave up weed quite a while ago), I drink pretty heavily and I eat shit and rarely exercise.

So yeah, I certainly don't feel great, but I've never been to the Doc's to have anything cut out or ever had any form of infection.

If anyone wants the preset to my genome, IM me :P lol.
I feel lucky in a weird way.

I'm pretty much always slightly hungover, bad back, tired...

But I rarely get ill.

I don't know how many Doctors will subscribe to my advice... I smoke a bit (gave up weed quite a while ago), I drink pretty heavily and I eat shit and rarely exercise.

So yeah, I certainly don't feel great, but I've never been to the Doc's to have anything cut out or ever had any form of infection.

If anyone wants the preset to my genome, IM me :P lol.

look like you are quite lucky, knock on wood.

i take care of myself dont smoke anything and barely drink eat very clean. just always had bad tonsils since growing up :(
Tonsillectomy for adults is WAYYYY worse than it is for children. I had mine removed in my early 20s, and it was absolute fucking MISERY. Everyone I have ever talked to that had the procedure done as adults says the same. Shit was so damned painful. I feel for you, bro!