So my mac took a shit this morning.

make all the jokes you want guys... doesn't change the percentages... not one bit. thing is the mac store will likely fix it for free, even if it's out of warranty for something like that... try to get the "geek squad" to do that for you down at best buy after your warranty is out.


Aside from the PS issue with mine (which was from a defective batch), it has been stress free...unlike every other PC I've owned. I can't really imagine ever getting PC again, other than a cheapo laptop to have around the house for internet and music.

Side note... if you, or anyone you know, is even remotely tempted to consult the 'Geek Squad'... don't. They're a bunch of scamming fuckheads with no respect for privacy or confidentiality - I do tech work for free just to keep business away from those fucks, and would love to see them burn.


Fuck geek squad, and when it existed fuck Firedog as well. Funniest story I ever was told was the whole "I was busy so I took my tower into geek squad to install more ram, IT WAS ONLY $30 PER STICK!!!"


Anyhow, here is the rub. The fucking units are on back order for 7-10 days! :(

So the tech said if I could find one he would drop it in for $50, and I'm fine with this since it appears you have to pull out most of the guts in a G5 quad in order to even gain acces to where it sits (under the big ass processor) and bla bla and large headaches.

Problem is I only found one on evilbay and it came from a fucked up mac so screw that, all well maybe I just wait.

By the way, even though the PSU died the tech said ahem "with apple's reputation it's not likely the logic board incurred any damage." The tech works on both macs and PCs.