My Lacie blew this morning

Do all of you REALLY need external drives? Is this for use with laptops... or just that extra convenience or what? Internal drives will almost always outperform external drives (including firewire)...
I use external for recording using PT on my Laptop...

pretty sure its something to do with reading from one and writing to another rather than reading and writing to the same one...

i don't know...
This discussion would be way more pertinent to me if I knew if the enclosure or the drive itself was at fault, seems to me that it's the enclosure, which is how LaCie could be at fault, but then again drives fail all the time, so I guess I'll just stay out of this one.

you can test that by pulling the drive from the enclosure and mounting it in another enclosure, or inside your computer. may have to change the jumper config if you put it in your computer though, but the drives usually have a small diagram printed directly on their labels to show the the proper jumper configuration for Master, Slave, blah blah.. just look on the label.
You know what's the problem? I would like to use Time Machine for the backup of both the disks (system and sessions) but it seems Time Machine only does the system disk backup. do you deal with the backup of your sessions disk?
I have my mac pro set up to do this. You just need to remove the audio drive from the "excluded" list IIRC.
Lacie's are terrible and prone to failure. It sucks that so many people I know continue to learn that lesson. I'll let you guys debate the rest.

uh-oh. better be careful there Egan... or Commander Data (ricramer) will have to bounce in here and "school" you a thing or two about hard-drives! and ya wouldn't want that would ya? (trust me, you wouldn't... it's mind-numbingly obtuse).

hey ricramer... here's yet another power-user on here saying the same thing i did... wait, what was that you said about EVERYone agreeing with you and disagreeing with me or whatever the hell you were gong on about?

never-mind, as you were. ;)
I'm very intrigued by the OWC...but it seems they sell they have a shop only in the if I buy a disk they have to ship it overseas. Not sure if it's a secure thing to do with an HD.
It's so strange that we don't have any OWC distributor here in Europe.
oh it sucks so bad to hear this.
Happened to me some months ago and fortunately I saved most of the stuff.
Anyway WD are cheap and reliable, the only downside to something like a WD MyBook is the stupid plastic enclosure and the fucking cd partition with manuals and other shit, for the rest is rock solid!
I have my mac pro set up to do this. You just need to remove the audio drive from the "excluded" list IIRC.

Should have known it can't be harder than this... Somehow missed the "excluded" list before. Thanks a lot man, you just saved me time everytime I do backups!
My old "designed by Porsche" usb2.0 Lacie has been serving me great for about 4 years at least, using OSX, Win XP and Linux. I also have a 1tb D2 Quadra I haven't had a single problem with yet.

We also use Lacie external HDD's at school and I haven't heard about a single one breaking yet. The oldest are from around 2003-2004 and some kind of older versions of the Quadra model.

Just thought I'd chime since all of the stuff here has been about negative experiences. Though I must be lucky; I haven't had a single HDD (internal or external) ever break on me.
despite anyone's good experience, it is a fact... not an opinion... that LaCie's enclosures, in general, are notorious for failure. the good news is that it's usually not the drive that's done bad... you just have to remove it from the enclosure, or replace or repair the faulty parts of the enclosure.
ive got two. an old 80 gig firewire one thats rock solid and my newer quadra, which is pretty flakey and im almost certain will die in the next 18 months.