My Lacie blew this morning


Mar 30, 2005
It really blew...with smoke!
I've heard a bad noise yesterday so this morning I did a little backup of the important things...some PT sessions, photos, Plugins,etc.... after that it blew.
I opened it and the both case and HD pcb's are damaged, components broken, bad smell, etc.... So I can't use another case to save all my data.
I was thinking to buy a big HD to use Time Machine with my mac but bad news are always quicker than the good news...
Now I have to buy another Lacie and maybe another one for time machine....
So 150€+150€...... holy shit, it seems we work only to spend for shitty things.
I worked 3 months for an insurance company, I earn well and after that: annual car insurance to pay, a big car repair to pay, 4 new weels to pay, 1 hard disk to pay.......what the fuck???
Next week I'll have a big drums's good it happened today and not in the middle of the recording session...
Sorry to hear that.

Why would you buy a new Lacie? Wouldn't this be a great time to try something else?

Haven't had many good experiences with Lacie, but WD has always worked for me. I always keep everything backed up on two HDs anyway.
The bad thing to have a laptop is the pile of external HD you need.
I used to use the Lacie as external HD, using it for sessions, samples, but also photos and backup for the important things of the system HD.
If I wanna use an HD only for the audio shit, I would need 1 HD for that, 1 HD for the rest (storage for big files, photos, etc...) and another one for Time Machine....... it's pretty insane.
Now I have to buy another Lacie...
why in the world would you want to do that??

trust me, that's not an isolated incident. LaCies die like it's in fashion. i learned my lesson after 3 different models all shat the bed on me.

for audio, i strong recommend Glyph or OWC.
well i think it's clear that this LaCie has turned out to be quite expensive for you at the moment as well.

OWC are cheaper than Glyph.. you should look into them.
You know what's the problem? I would like to use Time Machine for the backup of both the disks (system and sessions) but it seems Time Machine only does the system disk backup. do you deal with the backup of your sessions disk?
glyph im sure are great but are VERY expensive.
my Lacie is really flakey.
you have to plug the fig 8 cable in alternate ways every time you power it on or sometimes it wont mount!!
You know what's the problem? I would like to use Time Machine for the backup of both the disks (system and sessions) but it seems Time Machine only does the system disk backup. do you deal with the backup of your sessions disk?

Actually, I just copy manually the files from the session disk on the same HD as the Time Machine files are on. I'd also like to know if there's an automatic way. But I've been doing it that way for months.
I don't get the whole point of these things,

why not buying normal HDD and external firewire enclosure?

A lot cheaper,upgradable,etc...
Because of the chip. I read that most of the enclosures don't work very well daisy chained with audio interfaces. And an external enclosure with fw400, fw800, usb 2.0 and eSata + hard disk cost the same or more than a Lacie or a Glyph. And moreover, also with these you can upgrade the internal drive with another one. You have also to unscrew 2 screw.
That suck:mad:
Understand your disapointement since my second backup internal hardware blow 2 months ago (computer screan blow same day)... Good luck
I have a CalDigit 640gb unit that I've been using for half a year with no problems, they seem pretty reputable for hdd-intensive video and audio post.
Out of warranty.
Anyway I think Lacie's are like any other HD...They can stop working. Any HD can stop working.
If the hd is damaged (apart electrician problem) you can recover all you data with some software and replace the internal HD with another one.
Guys - I hate to break it to you, but all hard drives die. To spend money on these boutique brands like lacie and glyph is a huge waste of money. There are literally 4 companies on earth that manufacture drives: seagate, fujitsu, wd, and hitachi. If you've had good or bad luck with a certain brand then you are dealing with statistics. What you need to do is to buy the biggest and cheapest drives you can find, and buy LOTS of them. Give me 2 hard drives from a cheapy brand over a single drive from one of the boutique brands ANY day. All hd's will die. It's a fact. Don't pay more than you have to - it's a waste of money and you are putting your data at risk by keeping all your eggs in 1 basket. I have 4 2tb cheap cavalry drives in a rotation, and i've never lost a single file in my life.
Yes exactly. My Lacie was an Hitachi drive.
As I already said, when you buy a Lacie you buy an enclosure with all the ports you can need and a disk. Buying a disk and a separate enclosure (with the same number of ports) the money you spend is not that different.