So my mac took a shit this morning.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
Tried to start the fucker and all I heard was a loud pop noise. So I was like "fuck" and yanked out the secondary drive, (that has all my important shit) and took it to a repair place.

Anyhow, I'm sort of like "fuck it shit happens." So I decided when I got back that I was gonna be stoned pretty much all evening. So I went ahead and toked up about a half hour ago, and now I am blazed off my ass.

That is all. :guh::lol:
It's most definitely your power supply. My 3-4 year old Mac had the same problem and the Mac store replaced it for free! Depending on your serial number you may get it for free too.

It took them damn long, like 2-3 weeks, but free is free.

Bad times :( My PS popped and i had to shell 40€ on a new one.

That said, i went for a good one with power filter in it to stop shitty 60's electricity wiring fucking up my recoridng! :D
you guise have no idea how much self restraint i am excercising right now
mac jokes brewing up on the noggin
could be absolute carnage but im a nice guy n all
so nah
I was just gonna jump right in with:

"It's cos its a mac"

I feel so restricted by political correctness. :(
something or other

but guise, either way
this is why i have a pc

sorry, im done. :D
electronics aren't perfect, that is why there is a "failure rate" for all electronic devices. sucks when it happens to you though, rofl.

Yep, they just got back to me. It was the PSU.


Being that this is a refurb, and not an apple refurb. I now have to pay a fairly decent price to get it swapped out. I would do it myself but it sounds complicated so whatever. Shit happens, things break. Who knows if it was even the apple factory CPU.
make all the jokes you want guys... doesn't change the percentages... not one bit. thing is the mac store will likely fix it for free, even if it's out of warranty for something like that... try to get the "geek squad" to do that for you down at best buy after your warranty is out.
make all the jokes you want guys... doesn't change the percentages... not one bit. thing is the mac store will likely fix it for free, even if it's out of warranty for something like that... try to get the "geek squad" to do that for you down at best buy after your warranty is out.

Yep, totally agree. my imac shat itself. Turned it on and it would continually beep 3 times in a row with a white screen, turns out its a bad memory stick. Now this is where it gets good.

Rang Apple care, and I must say, that they are the best company I have ever dealt with, so professional, new exactly what had happened, what the remedy was, rang the servicer, got back to me straight away, had to pay ZIP, and they apologized for any inconvenience, and I dont even have Apple care.

I understand nothings bulletproof, but down to the warning signals and professional back up, it is well worth the extra coin.:)
Sucks, man. My G5 is just a huge paperweight now... but, Im getting a MBP and apple care this time. Oh well.
I went to an Apple shop with one of my friend a couple of months ago, and believe me or not, I talked to the mac tech about the advantages of PC and the advantages or mac. Not one time he told me macs are the best things in the world. I thought they were all like James :loco:
I know you didn't mean it literally, but... James doesn't say that either though, he's just setting records straight, and posting his preference between two platforms he's had years of experience with professionally and unprofessionally which brought him to his preference(s). He just happens to always be right ;)
I know you didn't mean it literally, but... James doesn't say that either though, he's just setting records straight, and posting his preference between two platforms he's had years of experience with professionally and unprofessionally which brought him to his preference(s). He just happens to always be right ;)

Yeah I said James because he's clearly the one who defends Mac the most here, but anyway, you understand what I meant.
Joe, you bring the boat and I'll bring the beer and weed, we shall have a hell of a time fishing for jameses :D