Advice and such

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
Hey guys. I dont get to post here much, but I frequent here quite often. First off thanks for all the awesome info you guys have shared. I just recently did a bands demo and need some advice on the overall mix. I am just starting out and I want to try to pursue this as a job someday to do when I am not on tour with my band.
The mix is basically 4 guitars 2 panned 100% left and right and 2 panned 80%left and right
The vocals are ehh but you know ya gotta make the best of what ya have to work with.
They have no bass player haha so there is no bass. I guess I may break down and add bass myself later on.
Its pretty typical mediocre metalcore.

Anyways, any help or whatever would be greatly appreciated. And once again you guys rule.


and oh yeah here is the link
its the track "Through The Eyes"
I think at the moment everything is sounding rather small. I mean you have some fairly good separation happening, so that's a good start.

I would strive to get a lot more body (low mid and bass frequencies) into everything. I understand that sometimes you can only make do with what you have to work with, but I think the mix still has a fair way to go. If you keep at it, I'm sure you'll get there.
Thanks a lot I completely agree about the body and what not. I am trying to get everything to a good level. I will keep working at it and see what happens.
Thanks dude. I agree it needs bass which is definantly something I am probably just gonna do myself for the sake of the mix. Its my first time recording a band using Logic which seems to be overly complicated but whatever I will get used to it.