

Aug 30, 2001
tonight my radio show is presenting the Blind Guardian/Symphony X show, which means I HAVE to go. I have heard enough Blind Guardian to know I can't fucking stand them, but I've never heard Symphony X. Should I bring earplugs?
Oh and... Dark Tranquillity comes to town soon. What a treat. I remember back in the day when them and In Flames were both cool. At least Dark Tranquillity still rules. I actually have Dark Tranquillity lyrics tattooed on my arms and back. I've probably mentioned that here before.

You know what i have told you!
I love symphony, for me it's pure magic and ...Rullo rulez, he's my fav drummer, he can groove like hell!

Hope you're gonna enjoy the show!
Try to find King of Terrors and The Turning mp3's on the net, they're both on the Oddessey..their newie..because you'll hear them tonight, so you know what to expect.

Cool, I listen to KISW sometimes.

My friends were going to video tape a few songs of Symphony X and stream the video online, but I haven't heard about if it passed through their management.
trapped got me started on Symphony X, i never really cared for there wanky progressive style as they had no crunch factor dude...
but i have started to analyze them and there pretty cool, something to see for style, but not for show....
i filled out a questioniar 2 yrs ago ...they have a thousand bands you put in what you like they find matches, the first one of the batch was you quessed it Symphony X, juts like finding your sweet heart in some personals thing.


THOUGHT INDUSTRY , dude check em out...

blind guardian suck shaved balls...
Awesome RB... i had the same attitude as you... i hated it, but now i absolutely love it.

Same goes for dream theater. I've always been fairly anti DT, now i like them even more than Symphony X... They're actually one of my favourite bands now, almost up there with Alarum and Martyr...

Thought industry bore the hell out of me...

And blind gaurdian rule dude!! Fucking Rule they do!
I saw a BG/SX show a few weeks ago. You may dislike what you have heard of BG before but live they are great. Just don't think about "whats cool" cause I garantee the singer will say something "dorky" Just fucking rock out and take in the great vibe. Of course thats if SX hasn't beaten you senseless long before.
Originally posted by HemiGTX
No FUCKING SHIT DEAD FETUS!! Right fucking on! Can you play your own band? Huh? Can you?! Very cool to know that tis you! Can I call and request something from you sometime???

And another thing, I heard you played sinister once, turned a buddy of mine onto them. He's pretty fucking grateful! Everyone is shitting their pants that they got Metal Shop back. I even signed the petition, just like everyone else.

I think you could hang with Symphony X!

No shit man, that's me :) What band are you in? I've probably heard of you guys. And feel free to call in and request anything you want!

EDIT: Symphony X... well.... Blind Guardian... well.... I can see the appeal, but not really my cup of tea. They are both great bands for what they do, though.