Advices for an 1.000€ new electric guitar for hard-rock and metal


New Metal Member
Sep 25, 2010
Hello from Spain:

For 18 years I have been very happy with my old Yamaha Pacifica 621 but I think it is time to get a new one.

I am lost with new brands, models, prices, better places to buy, etc. so I would be pleased if you could help me.

My preferences:

- Budget: Around 1000€ (1300$)
- Bridge: Solid as a rock. I do not want Floyd Rose type anymore.
- 22 frets and 6 strings are enough for me,
- I use to play Hard Rock-Metal.
- Hambuckers prefered (at least in bridge).
- Noiseless guitar as much as possible.
- I am not interested in second hand.
- It is not important for me if brand is not famous. I prefer to get a good guitar rather than to think I am buying a good brand.

Which brand and model would you recomed me to try?

Thanks in advance friends.
Thanks Blackie13. It is true. Last year I bought Blackstar HT-5S and I am very happy with it.
Thanks friends. I will check all your advices. Very interesting Gordon Smith guitars.