Help me to choose the right guitar!


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011

I plan to buy a new guitar. I've always played 6-string guitars so I'm more inclined to get another one but I'm also more than tempted to buy a 7-strings. I lurk for a while now on the net to select a bunch of good axes. There are some LTD on my current list, as well as some Ibanez, Dean, Schecter and VGS among others but it's def not easy to decide. I read here that the Schecter Hellraiser are not that good while I always thought the exact opposite (never tried one tho) Caparison seems great but a bit expansive.......... The scale things are not clear for me tbh but when I play on a 6-string, I play in drop D and drop C. The Sneapers often deliver good advices so I'd like to have opinions and recommandations from you guys!

I'm looking for a great 6 or 7-string as my only guitar. Mainly studio use. Metal oriented exclusively. Evertune bridge prefered - no Floyd Rose. Budget: 1000€ / $1350 max. I def think (hope) that I can get something very good for that price!

Thanks a lot!
in the 1000$ range there are some very nice ibanez, schecter and ltd basically of the same (very good) quality. for the scale, a minimum of 26.5" is considered baritone (e.g. the ibanez rgd), below that lenght the scale is normal. you really should try a baritone one to see if it gives you problems, because sometimes it can be too long for the hand and hurt a bit (but for drop c you don't need a baritone at all); in the other hand the increased lenght gives a better intonation and string tension. For the rest it's all really a matter of tastes.
To me the Evertune LTD seems like the logical choice. I know if I ever get money together for a new guitar that's what I'll be getting!


if they made that ltd mh1000 evertune with an ebony fretboard, WITHOUT that awful abalone binding and with a 27 " or 28" scale it would be my dream guitar.

if they made that ltd mh1000 evertune with an ebony fretboard, WITHOUT that awful abalone binding and with a 27 " or 28" scale it would be my dream guitar.

The evertune LTD's don't have abalone binding, but a baritone or 7 strings version of those would be neat.

Check out the new LTD Elites, they are pretty close to any ESP standard in quality. There's an Elite Horizon III that is $1350, the other ones are slightly more expensive but they seriously rule. I really dig them, and the quality is very good for a $1300-1400 guitar. The Elite Eclipses are freaking beautiful too. They are all 6 strigers though.
The LTD MH1000 is great for sure. Cannot find an evertune equipped in France for the moment. Waiting answers from the importers. Wondering if the model is still available... I'm checked the Halo Mobus! It seems to be a damn good weapon! Will ask them for more info and about shipping to France.

Argh! I still don't know if I want a 6 or a 7 strings ahah... :goggly: