Advocacy of violence, eugenics


Apr 17, 2005
Big Abstract Human Solutions

Think globally, act locally? Hell no -- think informationally, act realistically, on whatever scale you need.

1. There are too many humans.
2. The quality of most of these humans is poor. They tend to be not-attractive, not-intelligent, and not of a noble demeanor. This means we will require a police state to control them, because left to their own devices, they will wreck everything with their selfishness.
3. We need real leaders. Democracy is deferred leadership and achieves only the most base compromises.
4. We need to leave 75% of earth's land and sea and air untouched so the natural world can thrive. If humans do not survive, another species may evolve to sentience.
5. Less obligation, and work that is more like play: we must rediscover joy and banish guilt, obligation, etc. Passive systems like capitalist democracies can be more oppressive than totalitarian systems, because the passive system pretends it is logical when it is not. We work 40-90 hours and on what? On making other people feel OK about what we're doing? Slice the bullshit and we can work 20 hour weeks. Why not?
6. Upwardly mobile again we must be. Now we think art is great if everyone likes it. Screw that; that'll get us Britney Spears. What we need is art that great minds think is great. Everyone else needs entertainment (pacifiers) anyway.
7. Death to the class system. Your salary does not determine your worth or intelligence, although there are some correlations.
8. Fuck the poor. Most who are poor are so because they are dysfunctional.
9. Ethnic separation. Two cultures cannot coexist in the same place, and culture is our only defense against valuelessness (what most yobs call "nihilism").
10. Tolerance is best practiced on an individual level, not through politically active groups.
11. The genders do not serve equal roles equally. Death to feminism, and death to machoism.
12. Scumbags of low ethics and money morality need bullets. Why do we consider it "bad" to say that?
13. Every generation will produce fuckups. We need to be ready to kill.
14. The #1 reason to stop working so damn much: our kids need parents, both role models and affection. Is there a higher value than making our children feel loved?
15. A retarded child is a tragedy. A retarded child left alive is slavery to its parents, and thus a double or treble tragedy.
16. USBM is crap.
17. Splinter groups like the Masons, Scientologists, Wiccans, New Agers, Christians, Communists... why are they acting so selfishly? They need to be relegated to picking turnips if they are to survive at all.
18. For many of us, to die in an attempt is a greater boon than life. We were not afraid.
19. We do not need freedoms; we need sanity and sane leaders. We do not need many perspectives; we need a correct one.
20. What is my God? My God is reality. I am a nihilist to remove all thoughts but realistic ones. This includes brutal truths like the above that are necessary to avoid life itself falling into pointless, unproductive repetition.
21. If you're offended, good. Come fight me. I'm ready to kill.

Hum... You sound like an extremist! I heard the same kind of message from Al-Quaida replacing "killing morons" by "killing infidels"! I do agree we need more logic and we need to value life (not just the act of living, but also the quality of life) rather then money in our society. But I do not agree that violence and killing everyone you don't like or who is different is the answer. The answer to me is education and peace. Somehow I feel people are more likely to hear what you have to say when you are not forcing it down their troat! I'm for universal egality and justice. One world, one country, one justice, one language, one money, one timezone and NO god!

I often ask myself this question at the end of the day : If everyone on this planet was like me, would it be a better world? It keeps me in perspective and both feet solidly on the ground.

In this world, no one is more important then me, yet, I'm not more important then anybody. Most people forget about that second part...
Mikobass said:
I'm for universal egality and justice. One world, one country, one justice, one language, one money, one timezone and NO god! QUOTE]

This kind of universalism is what the NWO (New World Order) lead by people like the US neocons in the Project for the New American Century are trying to impose. It would be slavery for all but the minority elite.
infoterror said:
Big Abstract Human Solutions

Think globally, act locally? Hell no -- think informationally, act realistically, on whatever scale you need.

1. There are too many humans.
2. The quality of most of these humans is poor. They tend to be not-attractive, not-intelligent, and not of a noble demeanor. This means we will require a police state to control them, because left to their own devices, they will wreck everything with their selfishness.
3. We need real leaders. Democracy is deferred leadership and achieves only the most base compromises.
4. We need to leave 75% of earth's land and sea and air untouched so the natural world can thrive. If humans do not survive, another species may evolve to sentience.
5. Less obligation, and work that is more like play: we must rediscover joy and banish guilt, obligation, etc. Passive systems like capitalist democracies can be more oppressive than totalitarian systems, because the passive system pretends it is logical when it is not. We work 40-90 hours and on what? On making other people feel OK about what we're doing? Slice the bullshit and we can work 20 hour weeks. Why not?
6. Upwardly mobile again we must be. Now we think art is great if everyone likes it. Screw that; that'll get us Britney Spears. What we need is art that great minds think is great. Everyone else needs entertainment (pacifiers) anyway.
7. Death to the class system. Your salary does not determine your worth or intelligence, although there are some correlations.
8. Fuck the poor. Most who are poor are so because they are dysfunctional.
9. Ethnic separation. Two cultures cannot coexist in the same place, and culture is our only defense against valuelessness (what most yobs call "nihilism").
10. Tolerance is best practiced on an individual level, not through politically active groups.
11. The genders do not serve equal roles equally. Death to feminism, and death to machoism.
12. Scumbags of low ethics and money morality need bullets. Why do we consider it "bad" to say that?
13. Every generation will produce fuckups. We need to be ready to kill.
14. The #1 reason to stop working so damn much: our kids need parents, both role models and affection. Is there a higher value than making our children feel loved?
15. A retarded child is a tragedy. A retarded child left alive is slavery to its parents, and thus a double or treble tragedy.
16. USBM is crap.
17. Splinter groups like the Masons, Scientologists, Wiccans, New Agers, Christians, Communists... why are they acting so selfishly? They need to be relegated to picking turnips if they are to survive at all.
18. For many of us, to die in an attempt is a greater boon than life. We were not afraid.
19. We do not need freedoms; we need sanity and sane leaders. We do not need many perspectives; we need a correct one.
20. What is my God? My God is reality. I am a nihilist to remove all thoughts but realistic ones. This includes brutal truths like the above that are necessary to avoid life itself falling into pointless, unproductive repetition.
21. If you're offended, good. Come fight me. I'm ready to kill.


i pretty much agree with all that you said also KILL THE RACIST COCKSMOKERS!!!!!!!
i will also like to add if any of you think i should be banned or disagree with most of the things i say, you should be beaten with a club and burned alive for being a complete idiot.
infoterror said:
Big Abstract Human Solutions

Think globally, act locally? Hell no -- think informationally, act realistically, on whatever scale you need.

1. There are too many humans.
2. The quality of most of these humans is poor. They tend to be not-attractive, not-intelligent, and not of a noble demeanor. This means we will require a police state to control them, because left to their own devices, they will wreck everything with their selfishness.
3. We need real leaders. Democracy is deferred leadership and achieves only the most base compromises.
4. We need to leave 75% of earth's land and sea and air untouched so the natural world can thrive. If humans do not survive, another species may evolve to sentience.
5. Less obligation, and work that is more like play: we must rediscover joy and banish guilt, obligation, etc. Passive systems like capitalist democracies can be more oppressive than totalitarian systems, because the passive system pretends it is logical when it is not. We work 40-90 hours and on what? On making other people feel OK about what we're doing? Slice the bullshit and we can work 20 hour weeks. Why not?
6. Upwardly mobile again we must be. Now we think art is great if everyone likes it. Screw that; that'll get us Britney Spears. What we need is art that great minds think is great. Everyone else needs entertainment (pacifiers) anyway.
7. Death to the class system. Your salary does not determine your worth or intelligence, although there are some correlations.
8. Fuck the poor. Most who are poor are so because they are dysfunctional.
9. Ethnic separation. Two cultures cannot coexist in the same place, and culture is our only defense against valuelessness (what most yobs call "nihilism").
10. Tolerance is best practiced on an individual level, not through politically active groups.
11. The genders do not serve equal roles equally. Death to feminism, and death to machoism.
12. Scumbags of low ethics and money morality need bullets. Why do we consider it "bad" to say that?
13. Every generation will produce fuckups. We need to be ready to kill.
14. The #1 reason to stop working so damn much: our kids need parents, both role models and affection. Is there a higher value than making our children feel loved?
15. A retarded child is a tragedy. A retarded child left alive is slavery to its parents, and thus a double or treble tragedy.
16. USBM is crap.
17. Splinter groups like the Masons, Scientologists, Wiccans, New Agers, Christians, Communists... why are they acting so selfishly? They need to be relegated to picking turnips if they are to survive at all.
18. For many of us, to die in an attempt is a greater boon than life. We were not afraid.
19. We do not need freedoms; we need sanity and sane leaders. We do not need many perspectives; we need a correct one.
20. What is my God? My God is reality. I am a nihilist to remove all thoughts but realistic ones. This includes brutal truths like the above that are necessary to avoid life itself falling into pointless, unproductive repetition.
21. If you're offended, good. Come fight me. I'm ready to kill.


I almost gotted suspended from school for saying this.

To elminate of us some day driving ourselves to exctinction we need to eliminate of failures of common moral standards. It is dire that we seek a solution to the amounting population. Fuck trying to find a cure for cancer, if your gonna die will it's you fucking time. Sure if I had cancer I'd beg for a cure, but isn't that a human instinct in response to near death... desperation. If someone has cancer and is deemed not a person a valued standard we should kill them and wipe their exsistence. Desperation is for the weak minded, we don't need weak minded, save the hospital beds for those who have some value of life. When the armageddon comes desperation will lead to us killing eachother off before it even hits.
Im quoting myself in the eugenics thread as a reply.

speed said:
There is a serious, serious problem here with the reasoning. The underlying assumption of those who propose eugenics, is that once those unmentionables are killed, the world will become a utopia--or at the very least, more intellectually stimulating. With a little rumination upon philosophy and our current society, it is obvious how untenable such a position is.

First, today we are dealing with a crisis of liberality, egalitarianism and reason. THe prevailing philosophical ethos is that of self-interest--that promotes egoism and materialism; democriticism and equality, in which no sane person wishes to be different or offend another; and of a lack of any form of valuation besides trite slogans and symbols. It is the bourgeois nightmare as predicted, and abhorred by Rousseau, Nietzsche, Marx, Weber, and the great writers such as Flaubert, Joyce, Proust etc. Thus killing off the lesser persons not only offends these value-less notions of equality and democracy, but it does nothing to fix or stop the problem. If as Justin S. said in a early post, an entire culture and its thought is stuck in the cave not experiencing the truth, then what is the point of killing millions of the lesser individuals in intelligence, etc, if those that remain are cut off from the truth/good, and will remain so. Or if those that remain, will never produce any individuals that will create their own myth and personality for the salvation of all of man (Nietszche).

Secondly, this question was answered by Plato in the republic. The only way to create such a community is through the means of a totally authoratative philosopher run government that destroys existing society totally. Essentially, by taking such a step, unlike the Ancients--who accepted the fact philosophy was seperate to politics, one is making the claim that philosophy must become politics as well. And besides the commendable alternative Niezsche offers of a totally new re-valuation of the world by creative new gods if you will, to save ourselves from this nihilistic bourgouis state we are now in, one becomes what one hates by employing eugenics, as those rational enlightment, liberal and Hegelian philosophers did to produce our current state.

What is needed is not eugenics, but for some creative souls to create new myths, or for some persons to once again consider philosophy as a subject of utmost importance and to engage in a symposium or aristocracy of pure thought.
MetalNoob said:
Why is everything you say retarded?

I really dont see any impetus or desire by consuming impulse to engage in any kind of discourse, other than playful but incredibly unfunny jests and insults.
MetalNoob said:
I almost got suspended from school for saying this.

Norsemaiden's right: most of society is afraid of it. But then again, most people are fairly weak and would never sacrifice their own comfort for the common good. Weakness is selfishness.
Norsemaiden said:
This kind of universalism is what the NWO (New World Order) lead by people like the US neocons in the Project for the New American Century are trying to impose. It would be slavery for all but the minority elite.

Of course, if it was to be done by todays politician, that would most likely be the case. But there are several other ways to achieve this in the best interest of the human race, but it will take time. We are still so far from universal egality and justice that it is hard to even conceive this unification of the world under one banner. Half the planet can't even eat everyday, womens have not even gain the status of human being in some countries, etc ...
Mikobass said:
We are still so far from universal egality and justice that it is hard to even conceive this unification of the world under one banner.

Why is this necessary for world unification?