After about 5-6 spins of Blink




Here are my thoughts on the songs:

Ok :| : Prognosis (Sorry guys, just think it is too long and doesnt have much a direction to it. Moreso of a great jam)

Nice :) : Despicable, Seeds of Hate (Didnt dig Despicable that much at first because it was very unEnchantlike, but it is growing on me)

Very Nice :D : My Everafter, Follow the Sun, Flatline

Awesome :cool: : Under Fire, Monday, Ultimate Gift

The Best :cool: : Invisible (Has all the awesome Enchant elements in one song, and that cool key riff. Also my favorite gtr solo on the disc)


Jim my prognosis is your high :)

I am kidding and giving you a bad time! everyone hears something diffeant! I really did not like Seeds at first now I love it! Same with Dispicable.

OK Prog-nos-is was just a barn burner that Doug Paul and I jammed on at first! Funny that one is getting a lot of praise! Especially from the heavier side! It does rock live though! You have to play it exremely loud!!!

Thanks as always for the feedback! really! :)


Under Fire : Like I said to Doug last week, you guys shouldn't have put this song as track on the record…_it kicks serious ass and then, it's hard for me to go further…_probably one of the most heavier you guys ever recorded…_

Monday : Kinda love it even if when I heard it first time I wasn't really into it but now it rules and I love the opening drums pattern (drummer speaking lol) BTW Sean thumbs up to you man you worked your ass off on this record

Under Fire : Like I said to Doug last week, you guys shouldn't have put this song as track on the record…_it kicks serious ass and then, it's hard for me to go further…_probably one of the most heavier you guys ever recorded love it…_First thing I did when I heard it : Took my guitar and broke down the bass tapping on the intro ;-p very catchy chorus and great lyrics

Monday : Kinda love it even if when I heard it first time I wasn't really into it but now it rules and I love the opening drums pattern (drummer speaking lol) BTW Sean thumbs up to you man you worked your ass off on this record !

Seeds Of Hate : here again a very heavy tune. Phil & Doug's duel is amazing ! Doug you played here one of your best guitar solo ever ! LET YOURSELF GO BABY !

Flat Line : Love the keyboard theme : it stays in the head…_love the choruses line : your head is numb but your heart still beating loooooooud

Follow The Sun : very Floydish song, very slow, nice key intro Doug ! Ted's vocals chilled up my spine lol !

Ultimate Gift : very personnal one, isn't it…_don't know why but I think about U2 on this one…_love the Acquaintance reference at the very end of the song…_

My Everafter : Here again, wasn't really friend with this one
but once again Phil & Doug came with incredible solos ! You definitely rule Doug ! Thumbs up to you man !

Invisible : At first, in my honest opinion, it was the weakest track on the Album, but the choruses made me thought the opposite and it grew on me. I perfectly dig it now…_

Despicable : the most straight to the heart song dare I say :
love everything on this song : vocals, riffs (doug the guitar riff at 2'46 is F*****G ASS KICKING I WANT TO HEAR IT LIVE ) ! in a global this song reminds me of the Break album …_One of my fave !

Prognosis : SMOKING ! I love this instrumental. It's not an instrumental like Dream Theater's Erotomania for instance but there's a jamming spirit between Doug, Ed & Sean coming from this track I can't explain but it increases in power ! Can't wait to hear it live guys

So…_at the end of the day what do I think of this record ? This is a masterpiece so GO BUY IT NOW !

Dan -

I'll send my review and my interview translated next week

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