After pretty much half the year is done Erik almost has a top 10 list


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
Not in any order but god damn guys these all rule and you should all get them -- no particular order:

1. Agalloch "Ashes Against the Grain"
Saturnus "Veronika Decides to Die"
Dolorian "Voidwards"
Drudkh "Blood in Our Wells"
Jesu "Silver"
Celtic Frost "Monotheist"
Summoning "Oath Bound"
Moonspell "Memorial"
Daylight Dies "Dismantling Devotion"
Katatonia "The Great Cold Distance"

...maybe later:
Tenhi "Maaäet"
Falkenbach "Heralding: The Fireblade"
I'd agree with the Agalloch and Drudkh.

Not sure yet about Celtic Frost, Summoning, Daylight Dies, Katatonia.

Haven't heard the others.

Falkenbach is 2005.
i would add tool and phobia...yyrkoon and cannibal corpse were also good but not best of the year, somehow still haven't heard drudkh, katatonia, or the wolves in the throne room full-length...i fell like i must be forgetting a bunch
Yet again I still have approximately 5,354,712 releases from other years to catch up on. I don't think I'll ever be able to make a comprehensive end of year list.
Agalloch "Ashes Against the Grain"
Drudkh "Blood in Our Wells"
Summoning "Oath Bound"
Daylight Dies "Dismantling Devotion"
Katatonia "The Great Cold Distance"
Tenhi "Maaäet"

These will probably be on mine as well. Still have to listen to the new moonspell more.
Dick Sirloin said:
Oh wait that was 05, LOL whoops

The actual release date is January 2006, but since it was available at shows and most of the orders shipped early, there's been some confusion. Like Doom, I've spent much of the year discovering 2005 releases (mostly lesser-known post-rock) that slipped under my radar, though I can say that 2006 will kick last year's can it not with Agalloch, Hammers, & Isis in the offing?
Every album I've bought so far this year has bean great!

Dolorian - Voidwards
Tool - 10,000 Days
Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance
Boris - Pink
OM - Conference of the Birds
Summoning - Oath Bound

yet to come:
Hammers of Misfortune
Wolves in the Throne Room
Lamp of the Universe there a new album out?
Burning Saviours
Boris/Sunn O))) collaboration!
many many more!
I thought everyone agreed the new Celtic Frost was crap? Guess I was wrong...

My vote goes for Agalloch for 2006 album of the year, not sure yet about the rest. I haven't bought that many albums from this year. Persuader maybe?
2006 >>>>>>>>>>>>> 2005

Seems like the only REALLY memorable albums from last year were Nokturnal Mortum and Kayo Dot. Ask me in a couple years, though, after I've discovered a shit-ton of stuff I missed...

10000 Days, Synchestra, Blood in Our Wells, blah blah
cthulufhtagn said:
the full-length as well though? i do have the demo

nah full length is 2006, but I already had the demo in my 2005 list

Seeing them with Agalloch is going to rule (for anyone who's actually going that is).