After the burial

I don't like the new singer that much, I thought the both singers from the old releases weren't that "standard" and that was good!

and my drummer is still complaining about the cymbals...
but I loved the old so I will love the new
I remixed the album. Superior 2 drum samples with the same midi files dan drummed on the old version, new vox were recorded w/ an sm7 and a distressor into a soundcraft board. Everything else i used the same files but set different eq's and such. The 3 phase aux was used on the last mix but i dont like that technique, so i didn't use it. It basically lets you phase frequencies like the fredman technique with 2 mics, but its too broad and i'd rather use an eq.

how did you get the guitars to sound so huge?
Delays, reverbs, eq. Tried to create a space since the guitars are line 6 into a board. The raw files are really flat and have No character.
Delays, reverbs, eq. Tried to create a space since the guitars are line 6 into a board. The raw files are really flat and have No character.

Hi, new mix is sweet, but you maybe know which kick sample were used on original mix?

And question about delays on guitars, what kind of delay you prefere? And how to use it on guitars? As insert/send?
Original Kick sample was a gretsch kick from the Joe Barresi Collection for BFD2.

CD is coming out September 15th last I heard.

I just used some short delays on a couple aux channels and eq'd them a bit to fill some space in the mix. It's very subtle, like at -25 db
screw the old kick... mind sharing what the new one is? ;p if you say its one of the s2.0 ones I will be quite surprised, I never really liked any of them
it's one of the superior 2.0 kicks, can't remember which one. I think it's the one with the deeper dimensions.