After the concert


New Metal Member
Jun 9, 2012
When you meet fans after the concert – do they ask questions about your life or music or what do they say? Or do they just want to hug and say "hello!". Is there a difference in what women and men ask? Generally, I mean of course.

I would never approach a musician I like, it is so embarrasing. What would I say? ”Hello”? How embarrasing is that? But if I met you in the streets of Stockholm I would probably say hello, because you look familiar. :yow:
Good question! I think most fans we meet are just like we are. If I just happen to meet one of my idols or someone I really look up to I probably would try to have a quick chat with that person to express my gratitude. I never ask for pictures or autographs thou cause I also think it's a little bit embarrassing, or maybe I'm just too shy :) But everybody is different (and that's a good thing). Some people have questions, some want pictures and/or signatures, some people like to discuss different matters, and some people just want to hang out. Whatever it is it's very much appreciated from our side. The moment a role model forgets who put him/her in the position of being... a role model and starts to act arrogant or superior to his/hers supporters or it's time to quit do something else :)
The question was kinda directed to the band but I'll answer also from a fans point of view.

I'm someone that usually stays after concerts to hang out and maybe say hi to the band, especially if I liked the show and I feel somehow obliged to thank them. I'm a pretty talkative person and due to my job I can do small talk for ages, haha. What kind of converastion you can have many times depends on how much time the band has and how big they are. If it's a bigger band there will be a lot of people and it will usually be photo, signing something and maybe saying how much you liked them. I don't particualy like those encounters because a lot of hysteria is involvled and some people get carried away just way too much. This can get a bit embarrassing IMO. Meeting smaller bands is usually a lot more fun because everything is much more relaxed. You can even have actual converastions about anything, a lot of times support bands come out to talk to people and this way promote their band. I can say from my own experience that I became a fan of a certain band that supported Pain mainly because they made sure I rememberd the name and promised to check their stuff when I get home. ;) A lot of my friends think it's teenager-ish that I always want to take photos with bands but for me this is somehow keeping the memories from a concert in a picture since I never take pictures during the shows. Somehow I pay for the ticket to have fun & enjoy the music, not to be busy with taking photos or vidoes which in the end will have a shitty quality anyway. Although I find it quite interesting Bibbi, that you would kinda say hi if you saw them somewhere. For some reason that would be totally out of my comfort zone, haha. When they are 'on duty' I'm more than happy to chat, if 'off duty' they are just a group of guys who like to have a normal life. ;)

In the end fans should keep in mind that not everyone is comfortable with talking to strangers and that this doesn't mean that they are not grateful for the support. Some people are simply shy or on long tours can be tired or even simply not feeling that well. Many fans like to forget that, although on the other hand it can be quite disappointing if you are really looking forward to meet someone and then they just happen to have one bad night out of five good ones.
Eruanne! If I met an artist on the street I would say hello and then pass - not stop. Just say hello, because he/she lookes familiar. Never ever would I address ANY artiskt e.g. when eating in a restaurant or so.

Great answer from David - thanks! Thanks also to Eruanne from a fans point of view. Fun!