Agalloch - Feb 14th NYC - Interview Questions


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
First of all, who here is going? Feb 14th is also Markgugs' birthday and we'll both be at the show if you wanna come hang for beers. Don't expect much conversation from him during the performances. :D

Secondly, I need questions for the interview. If you've got anything that you'd like to ask, let me know. Otherwise I'm just going to talk about lesbian porn or something.
1) 'member that time you guys made that album called The Mantle? That was pretty cool.

2) Did you know that Erik is teh gayayay!?!?1//1/

3) What can we expect from the next Agalloch? "A Fragment" from the Phases sampler was pretty mysterious. Is this a new direction for the band, or just a curve ball to keep us on our collective toes?
NAD said:
3) What can we expect from the next Agalloch? "A Fragment" from the Phases sampler was pretty mysterious. Is this a new direction for the band, or just a curve ball to keep us on our collective toes?
Yeah, good one. According to Andreas, it was a curve ball, but you just know that Agalloch are on the verge of doing an Ulver.
Does anyone know exactly what the stuff they're selling on tour is? I remember reading about something called "The Grey" EP or something, but are they selling any other stuff, like new shirts? More importantly, is it gonna be available to from The Omega since it's pretty impossible for me to get to one of the shows, and I'd really like whatever they're selling.
I hope no-one from Agalloch or TER is going to brutally maim and murder me for posting these.


Yeah, just good luck with getting video equipment into the venue. Nothing wrong with a little colon cam action though. o_O
You lucky bastard. How did you get hold of this? I really like this new shirt. I wasn't too keen on the old one, so didn't bother with it, but this one is cool. Do you know if they'll sell it on-line? Surely they will :Smug: Is there anything on the back?

JayKeeley said:
I'm sure you'll be fine Erik. It's me that I'm worried about. Still debating over whether to even wear this hot property to the show or not...

No, nothing on the back of my shirt I'm afraid. Don't think they'll be selling this one at the shows, but I think the one Erik has might be. Let's just say that I lucked out.

From what I understand, everything that's being sold on the tour (two different types of shirt, and a new EP) will be available on-line once the tour is complete. I'll try to pick up some merchandise myself whilst at the show.

I also like the fact that they've gone back to their old logo for the new merchandise.