Agalloch - Feb 14th NYC - Interview Questions

dammit, i don't think i'm going to make it to the show, now, for several reasons...

1) i discovered that i have TWO tests the next day. and there is no fucking way i can miss one.

2) i'm running out of $$... if i go, i could probably only pay for the ticket and MAYBE the ep

4) i don't feel like driving 9 hours in one day

5) the interview sorta fell through, so i don't HAVE to go now...

i COULD change my mind between now and tomorrow, but as of now it is 10% going, 90% not :(

(note: sorry for all of those i said i would get EP's for... i'll hook you up next time agalloch's fucking shitty concert schedule doesn't interfere with everything else :D )
BWD - did you go or not? You're all set up with the band for tonight in DC if you're going - I met with Andreas last night and he's sorting you out.

Let me know.
Everybody calm down for a few moments. I literally just stepped in through the door from a 4 hours drive from Boston.

I have merchandise for some of you. I'll list it shortly.

Must add my two cents to the Atrox thread. Be right back!