Agalloch in NYC

looks like this will be THE rc outing of the year.
going to see my bitches ... but Agalloch might sell me live. looking forward to meet Haughm :loco:
ClimbThar informed me that Agalloch will be playing alongside Morbid Angel, Death Angel, Obituary, and Atheist at the Scion Rock festival to be held in Pomona (shit hole) on March 5th.

Upside - Good tunes, free admission
Downside - A gaggle of humanity, the stench of hipster sweat

I'm really on the fence over this one. I attended one free Scion show in the past, and the crowd was a far cry from the marquee assemblage of this NYC gig.

Somebody at Toyota really has a hard on for heavy metal. The majority of the demographic they're trying to reach ride the bus.
I have no idea where it is. The wife posted it under her account. No pictures yet haha maybe she'll take some this morning for me
hope you are using the moolah to fly out to the NYC gig ... looks like it will be the RC gathering of 2011.
still no sellout?

so me and Zod have tickets already ... who else is in for sure?