Agalloch in NYC

Greg, was it you who said an RCer met you at some event and referred to you in person as "General Zod"?
All the time. Actually, when I met Mark, Ali and Jason (Guggs, JayKeeley and Dark One), it was because I had an UltimateMetal shirt on. Mark asked me if I worked for the site. I told him I posted. He asked as who, and I told him. He yelled across the bar, "Hey Ali... this is Zod." Ali and Mark will occasionally still occasionally slip and call me Zod.

At ProgPower it happens all the time. One of the woman does a poster with pictures of many of the forum folks attending the fest. So people just walk up and say, "You're Zod, right?".

I have to say, I've met a ton of cool folks through these two UM boards.
yeah just look for the tallest mofo and you'll find us.

the gwynbleidd leader is coming is well ...

so where are we meeting up before the show?
i really hope Ali could make it but I doubt it (as I see Zod is selling a couple of tickets)
Bleeka = Dick in Portuguese. (yes, i prounounce bleeker as a Bostonian remember?)

I thought Kenny's Castaways was a second-hand clothing/merch shop until I looked it up. :tickled:

I'm really surprised they sold out this place! I've never been to this venue before, but judging from their web site, it's 700-capacity. Not a small place, bigger than Gramercy which is 600 IIRC. And Agalloch is not exactly well known, I would think Devin Townsend is a lot better known, but when he Played at Gramercy earlier this year it was far from being sold out. Go figure. Had I thought it would sell out, I would have bought my ticket well in advance.
Well I reckon when a band tours 3 times per decade you gotta expect these things, am i rite?