Agalloch or Opeth?

Never heard of Agalloch, but if they sound anything similar to Opeth then I think I'll like them. I'll have to check them out.
The bands are similar in the sense that they both have clean and growled vocals and distorted and acoustic parts in both their songs most of the time. They also lean towards songs in the 8-12 minute range. Agalloch has a heavy Ulver influence, so if you like Bergtatt, you'll like anything by Agalloch.

I think Opeth's overall body of work is more impressive, but since I've gotten into Agalloch more recently, I've been listening to them more often. In fact, I bought The Mantle 2LP recently, and surprisingly the sound quality was shit compared to other LPs I have. Oh well. Still waiting for new Agalloch material. And a website.
Opeth have released both more good albums and more average albums. Do they cancel each other out? I don't know. But I think the fact that I've seen Opeth live, and that they do indeed rule live, give them the edge.

Both good bands though, even if Opeth is becoming somewhat redundant.
I prefer Opeth. Agalloch is great though, the mantle is a great relaxing album, but I fear they will move in a more postrock than metal direction.
They are not similar aesthetically, but their approach ('extreme metal for intelligent people with lots of acoustics and long songs without structure') is very similar.
kmik said:
They are not similar aesthetically, but their approach ('extreme metal for intelligent people with lots of acoustics and long songs without structure') is very similar.

kmik said:
They are not similar aesthetically, but their approach ('extreme metal for intelligent people with lots of acoustics and long songs without structure') is very similar.

Agalloch. They have a better idea of how to structure songs and they're generally a lot more interesting and less conventional. "In the Shadow of Our Pale Companion" alone destroys the entire Opeth catalogue.