Age difference in bands?


boat is boat.
Jun 4, 2008
North East, UK.
Well... Looking for band members in my area is about as easy as looking for a pink donkey with an umbrella sticking out it's arsehole... It's difficult to say the least.

I've contacted maaaaaaaaany people but nobody seems to dig my music. I guess hard rock isnt the "in" thing right now.

To my point... I do have some interest from older musicians. To be exact, a 50 year old drummer, a 41 year old bassist and another 40 (i think) year old drummer).

Now - I'm 23 years old and my bro (who will be playing guitar for me) is 25. I want to play my music THIS summer, live. But i'm unsure about the age thing...

Is it a bit lame to have guys this old in my band? I wanted some guys my own age but nobody is into what I'm doing. I guess you have to have more of a mature taste to like my music..
On the other hand, of all the musicians I have been able to find, the only drummer who really is on the same page as I am as far as what music he wants to do is 16.

Of course, living with mom and dad means he has a nice room to practice in :lol:
In my current band, I'm 25, the drummer is 32 and the guitarists and singer are all 18/19. It doesn't make any difference at all really, as long as you're all striving for the same thing.

The only real issue is that our drummer has a wife and 2 kids, and runs his own business - responsibilities can change a lot with age, which affects when you can rehearse/play gigs/etc. But we all know that, and he lets us know as soon as something else comes up, so it's not really an issue.

Do it. If they're cool people then and you think you'll get on with them then go for it

You'll likely attract some older people to your gigs who would otherwise write you off as "youth" band
My current band is 21, 24, 28, 33, 36. It works. But then again, 15 yrs difference isn't the same as 20+.
In my previous band, both the bassist and the drummer were 35. Me(guitars) and the vocalist were of the same age - 21. The other guitarist was 25.

The bassist once told me, "When I was starting off 15yrs ago, I remember using a particular set of strings for 2yrs straight. Nowadays I change my strings every month".

In my previous band, both the bassist and the drummer were 35. Me(guitars) and the vocalist were of the same age - 21. The other guitarist was 25.

The bassist once told me, "When I was starting off 15yrs ago, I remember using a particular set of strings for 2yrs straight. Nowadays I change my strings every month".


haha jesus 2 YEARS, it'd be like playing rusty spaghetti
Anyone seen "The Rocker"? :lol:

I hear ya 40+ is starting to get a little, mmmmm. And i'm 33 so that's not far off from me.