Ah, GB, you've done it again


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Class act, this bloke.


Bush 'plotted' to bomb al-Jazeera

From: Agence France-Presse
From correspondents in London

November 22, 2005

US President George W. Bush planned to bomb pan-Arab television broadcaster al-Jazeera, British newspaper the Daily Mirror said today, citing a Downing Street memo marked "Top Secret".

The five-page transcript of a conversation between Mr Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair reveals that Mr Blair talked Mr Bush out of launching a military strike on the station, unnamed sources told the anti-war-in-Iraq daily.
The transcript of the pair's talks during Mr Blair's April 16, 2004, visit to Washington allegedly shows Mr Bush wanted to attack the satellite channel's headquarters.

Mr Blair allegedly feared such a strike, in the business district of Doha, the capital of Qatar, a key western ally in the Persian Gulf, would spark revenge attacks.

The Mirror quoted an unnamed British government official as saying Mr Bush's threat was "humorous, not serious".

Al-Jazeera's perspectives on the war in Iraq have drawn criticism from Washington since the US-led March 2003 invasion.

The station has broadcast messages from al-Qaeda terror network chief Osama bin Laden and the beheadings of Western hostages by insurgents in Iraq, as well as footage of dead coalition servicemen and Iraqi civilians killed in fighting.
A source told the Mirror: "The memo is explosive and hugely damaging to Bush.

"He made clear he wanted to bomb al-Jazeera in Qatar and elsewhere. Blair replied that would cause a big problem.

"There's no doubt what Bush wanted to do - and no doubt Blair didn't want him to do it."

Another source said: "Bush was deadly serious, as was Blair. That much is absolutely clear from the language used by both men."

A spokesman for Mr Blair's Downing Street office said: "We have got nothing to say about this story. We don't comment on leaked documents."
The Mirrorsaid the memo turned up in the office of then British MP Tony Clarke, a member of Mr Blair's Labour Party, in May 2004.

Civil servant David Keogh, 49, is accused under the Official Secrets Act of handing it it to Mr Clarke's former researcher Leo O'Connor, 42. Both are bailed to appear at Bow Street Magistrates Court in central London next week.

Mr Clarke returned the memo to Downing Street. He said Mr O'Connor had behaved "perfectly correctly".

He told Britain's domestic Press Association news agency that Mr O'Connor had done "exactly the right thing" in bringing it to his attention.
The Mirror said such a strike would have been "the most spectacular foreign policy disaster since the Iraq war itself".

The newspaper said that the memo "casts fresh doubt on claims that other attacks on al-Jazeera were accidents". It cited the 2001 direct hit on the channel's Kabul office.

Mr Blair's former defence minister Peter Kilfoyle challenged Downing Street to publish the transcript.

"I hope the Prime Minister insists this memo be published," he told the Mirror.

"It gives an insight into the mindset of those who were architects of the war."
Some other things that they've done.

Remember that Otalian reporter who was rescued by an Italian Secret Service guy, and they got shot up approaching a checkpoint (that they had arraged to go to) ?

She had video footage of the Yanks using white phosphorous as a weapon in Fallujah, which has recently been released in an Italian documentary.

Remember when they "accidentally" shelled the hotel full of international journos in Baghdad, because they beleived that there might be a sniper on the roof (and there wasn't) ?

They used jellied jet fuel, then argues that it wasn't actually napalm, as napalm is jellied gasoline.

Currently the "Coallition of the Willing" are operating inside Syria's borders, once again proving a willingness to violate international law.

Oh well...it can't last.

Bush just recently reached a milestone. In 5 years, his Govt has borrowed 1.05 Trillion dollars. The combined total of borrowings from every previous Govt totals 1.02 Trillion.

I think Nero is apt.
phlogiston said:
Really? GWB has borrowed more in his two terms than every other US government ever? That can't be true. Can it? Is that in adjusted dollars? Wow.


WASHINGTON D.C.- President George W. Bush and the current administration have now borrowed more money from foreign governments and banks than the previous 42 U.S. presidents combined.

Throughout the first 224 years (1776-2000) of our nation’s history, 42 U.S. presidents borrowed a combined $1.01 trillion from foreign governments and financial institutions according to the U.S. Treasury Department. In the past four years alone (2001-2005), the Bush Administration has borrowed a staggering $1.05 trillion.

"The seriousness of this rapid and increasing financial vulnerability of our country can hardly be overstated,” said Rep. John Tanner (TN), a leader of the Blue Dog Coalition and member of the House Ways and Means Committee. “The financial mismanagement of our country by the Bush Administration should be of concern to all Americans, regardless of political persuasion.”

It's been kicking around for nearly a month now.

Unadjusted, not including interest, just straight dollars.

edit...the interest on the first currnt borrowings is (apparently) 40 Trillion or so, but in straight "what they borrowed...what we borrowed", it's an impressive feat.

This year's U.S. Govt defecit (requiring borrowings) is reported to be 200 to 300 billion. So it makes $1T total seem about correct.
Southy said:
bets on a stock market crash??


Might not happen for a little while, but you can bet it will. I don't see how the U.S. can possibly keep borrowing money the way it has and spending it without some kind of nasty fallout.

And knowing our luck, they'll drag us all down with them! Ahh capitalism, when will you learn.
Don't worry, they'll put through another tax cut so Americans will have more money in their pocket to spend, therefore improving the economy, even if they don't have jobs or healthcare. Or something! It's Bushanomics!
It's coming...Japan used to absorb $3B per month in US debt. Around this time last year they stopped absorbing any. China have abandoned the $US, by removing their fixed index.

did you see the announcement yesterday that the Howard Government wants to change Universities so that they have big universities and "Graduate Colleges"...to make our system more familiar to overseas employers.

I can't wait until I get to use "Miles per Gallon" instead of that crappy sounding "litres per 100km" again.
Check this out from Reuters.


LONDON (Reuters) - Britain has warned media organizations they are breaking the law if they publish details of a leaked document said to show U.S. President George W. Bush wanted to bomb Arabic television station Al Jazeera.

The government's top lawyer warned editors in a note after the Daily Mirror newspaper reported on Tuesday that a secret British government memo said British Prime Minister Tony Blair had talked Bush out of bombing the broadcaster in April last year.

Several British newspapers reported the attorney general's note on Wednesday and repeated the Mirror's allegations, which the White House said were "so outlandish" they did not merit a response. Blair's office declined to comment.

Al Jazeera, which has repeatedly denied U.S. accusations it sides with insurgents in Iraq, called on Britain and the United States to state quickly whether the report was accurate.

"If the report is correct then this would be both shocking and worrisome not only to Al Jazeera but to media organizations across the world," the Qatar-based station said in a statement.

The story would also be a shock for Qatar, a small Gulf state which cultivates good relations with Washington.

The Mirror said the memo came from Blair's Downing Street office and turned up in May last year at the local office of Tony Clarke, then a member of parliament for the town of Northampton. Clarke handed the document back to the government.

Leo O'Connor, who used to work for Clarke, and civil servant David Keogh were charged last Thursday under Britain's Official Secrets Act with making a "damaging disclosure of a document relating to international relations".


The Mirror said Bush told Blair at a White House summit on April 16 last year that he wanted to target Al Jazeera. The summit took place as U.S. forces in Iraq were launching a major assault on the insurgent stronghold of Fallujah.

The paper quoted an unnamed government official suggesting Bush's threat was a joke but added another unidentified source saying the U.S. president was serious.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan said: "We are not interested in dignifying something so outlandish and inconceivable with a response."

The attorney general told media that publishing the contents of a document which is known to have been unlawfully disclosed by a civil servant was a breach of the Official Secrets Act.

Kevin Maguire, the Mirror's associate editor, said government officials had given no indication of any legal problems with the story when contacted before publication.

"We were astonished, 24 hours later, to be threatened with the Official Secrets Act and to be requested to give various undertakings to avoid being injuncted," he told BBC radio.

Al Jazeera said that, if true, the story would raise serious doubts about the U.S. administration's version of previous incidents involving the station's journalists and offices.

In 2001, the station's Kabul office was hit by U.S. bombs and in 2003 Al Jazeera reporter Tareq Ayyoub was killed in a U.S. strike on its Baghdad office. The United States has denied deliberately targeting the station

So it's an outlandish farce but if you repeat it, you're in breach of the Official Secrets Act ?


Yeah Shannow I heard something like that but didn't read up exactly what it meant. How would they plan on doing it? Do they mean having physically separate universities for undergrads and postgrads or is this just another level of administrative crap to make the two more independent of each other?