AIDS! do you or anyone you know have it

I know a guy who once told everyone he had aids, but it turns out he just wanted attention... After that, no one hung out with him anymore. I dont reccomend this tactic.
Thats as close as it gets for me I guess.
I got tested (I had to do it for my green card) 3 months ago, and
this Lion is clean.
Thank you for checking though, its very important to know if random people
on some message board, which you'll never have sex with, have it.
welcome to 2005.
Over the past three years, I've been tested for my health insurance,apba licence,and when I got a vicious lung infection from a moldy boat I was worked on last summer. BUT I do have a killer tan going right now *flexes*
I know I don't have it. I don't have sex.

The guy that used to do my hair had AIDS. He shot and killed the man that gave it to him, then shot himself. A good friend of mine also has it. I haven't seen him in about two years since he moved to Houston, but he'll be here next month. I've seen recent pictures of him, he looks like shit.

I question if my best friend has it. He's gay, sleeps around without using condoms, suddenly lost 30+ pounds, is always sick, has these sores all over his face, and his skin is always flaking off. He refuses to get tested, and was mysteriously absent from work the day of the company blood drive.
eeek yeah sounds like he's got it sam :erk:

i take back my "no"...i'm almost sure lord red dragon has/had it. all he told me was that the doctor said his blood was about the dirtiest he'd seen. fuckin wacko kid.
BlackwaterNymph said:
I question if my best friend has it. He's gay, sleeps around without using condoms, suddenly lost 30+ pounds, is always sick, has these sores all over his face, and his skin is always flaking off. He refuses to get tested, and was mysteriously absent from work the day of the company blood drive.
That sounds more like syphilis than aids, which results in mental disability and eventually death if not treated in like a two week period of getting it or something. Health class for teh win.