the new album comes out many of you didn't download it??

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
This isnt to knock on the people who dl'd it..I usually dl albums asap but this one i didnt. I have been waiting patiently for a long ass time....anyone else same as me? Oh, I heard Final Product...that's it.
Not had a chance to go out and buy it yet but the version I downloaded must have come from a promo version because twice on every song on the album a guy says:

'You are listening to the new Nevermore album 'This Godless Endeavour', out now on Century Media Records'.

But yeah, if I'm in town sometime and I see it for a good price it will be mine.
I never download new albums I want to get from bands that I already like... For some reason it just seems like spoiling it, like opening presents before chirstmas :cool:

I only ever seem to download albums of bands that I've never heard before and wanna give them a try... As such, I'm patiently awaiting my copy of TGE to come from Amazon in a few days
dl ...........this its bloody cool speed metal............

"Hate Eternal - I monarch 2005"
I'm supposed to get it today on the mail from CD Universe.
I swear I didn't d/l it, didn't hear it, and I couldn't even watch the darn video,
so I couldn't even ear the song on the video...
Its going to be FRESH FRESH for me
I've only listened to Final Product (courtesy of Century Media) about 3 times, other than that, it's gonna be all brand new for me this Tuesday and I'm gonna play it to death until I see Nevermore next week.
Waiting for the official release and heard a few tunes during the gig in London.
Cheers Matey!! :kickass:
Haven't heard anything other than "Final Product" ... gonna go buy it after the hell that is "Senior Portraits" ... have to get up at 6 to do my hair, go somewhere for coffee since I'm usually not up until noon, go to school and wait there for hours to get my fucking awful picture taken ... I think that deserves some new Nevermore.
Devy, you live in the UK too; are you saying that the release date HASN'T been pushed back to August 15 and that it's just being a bitch?
I can successfully say that I did not download this one, even though it was really hard at times. All I heard was Final product.
The only thing i've heard was the song of the music video, "Final Product". I DID however download it, but I haven't listened to a single note of the album. Mine's pre-ordered, but i don't get it till tommorrow afternoon :(
Karen, Iris, Laura, wear some pullup briefs or something, or sit on the terlet as you listen. Accidents happen, yes.
I downloaded it once like 2 months ago, listened once, then deleted.

I want the listening experience to come full force tommorrow.
I downloaded it, but I shall buy it. Oh yes I will! I even got somebody to doesn't even like metal very much to actually like Nevermore so they're buying the CD too. He likes Warrel's voice. Woo!
Skyld said:
Devy, you live in the UK too; are you saying that the release date HASN'T been pushed back to August 15 and that it's just being a bitch?

hey man, i dont know. century media's website has the date listed on one section as august 15th, and another section as the 26th of july. then on the release date page, the goddamn album isnt even listed at all for july for the eu or the usa...stupid idiots. they have this big write up on the new album but they fail to mention when it actually gets released.....unlesss i missed it completely which is possible. either way ill find out tomorrow as i tear apart central london to find it.