Since some of our more mentally challenged members don't believe that this has leaked.....
1. Intro - 16 seconds of your usual....howling winds and machinery style sound effects...nothing special.
2. Warpath - 4 min 23 sec. This song has a pretty brisk tempo, vocals are layered, and primarily of the low gutteral death sort. Very melodic, and a very kickass solo at about 2 min 30 sec. The drumming is just awesome, lots of double bass it has a nice natural tone to opposed to the obvious trigger "click click" noise that you hear alot of the time.
3. Scrutinized - 4 min 24 sec. About the same tempo as Warpath. The vocals are a bit more raspy at time in this one...Peter switches it up quite a bit though. Chorus has a very cool ostinato in the lead guitar. Very headbangable. Nice thrashy tremelo picked solo at about 3 minutes (reminds me of Mustaine's early tallica days solos...sort of.)
4. Fearless - 4 min 23 sec. Keyboards are more apparent at the beginning. This song sounds more like what you here on tracks like Eraser, and A coming Race, and Roswell 47. Its in the same vein as that. The tempo's a bit slower but it grooves very hard. Its very kickass, and instantly recognizable as Hypocriy (as are almost all the tracks )
5. Carving for another Killing - 3 min 50 sec. Faster, very heavy. He's using the vocal style that was prominent on the Bloodbath album. Blast beats abound in this one. This is is a very cool song.
6. Let the Knife do The Talking - 4 min 14 sec. Another slower track. Kind of a brooding feeling to it. Roswell 47 comes to mind again. Its a good track but doesn't really stand out as exceptional. Maybe It hasn't sunk in my brain yet though. Decent.
7. A Thousand Lies - 4 min 52 sec. Weird sounds at the beginning, with *gasp* clean guitars and a spoken word vocals. Then it slams into a slow tempo tremelo picked riff. Pretty cool song. Large dynamic range.
8. Incised before I've ceased - 4 min 28 sec. Reminds me of Amon Amarth for some reason, probably because of the drumming. Vocals are cool. the chorus is wow. Awesome chorus. And the following guitar solo is very kickass..has a classical feel to it (just the solo). One of my favorite tracks. at the moment.
9. Blooddrenched - 3 min 43 sec. Awesome, typical death metal. the riffage is very strong in this song.
10. Compulsive Psychosis - 4 min 14 sec. Strong grooves in this song. The riffs are very heavy. br00tal. I like it alot. (I am sick of typing so that's all you get)
11. Living to Die - 5 min 40 sec. Another slower songs, lots of atmosphere (IE keyboards, drums sound distant at the beginning) cool vocals at the beginning. Clean vocals..nice melody to them. A very ncie song to close the album on.
Overall its a very strong album...if you like Hypocrisy i"d definately purchase this album. It isn't mind boggling like the Nevermore album. It's not goign to turn the metal world upside down and cause rioting in the streets or anything, but its pretty good. I'd give it an 8 out of 10.