- Jun 19, 2008
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It's an AU for Macs so some of you can go
http://www.jinxtigr.com/f/NC17Demo.dmg (also in the full demo collection)
I have to tread carefully 'cos I got invited into the GS Slate thread and posted this-
FG-X: http://www.slatedigital.com/fgdemo/Rock2FGX.wav
NC-17: http://www.jinxtigr.com/m/Rock2NC17.wav
and a guy said 'I want it to SOUND distorted, wtf?' and I posted this:
and I'd had to go +14 dB to get the same amount of distortedness of the other guy, which was twice as loud as FG-X could do, and various people in the slate bunker were all like

That was fun

So YEAH- though I am about as socially diplomatic as, well, a metalhead (but more than a Gearslutz poster or Slate henchman

It has middier, punchier fake-bass than the much slower, fatter FG-X fake-bass, which means that for those of you making really fast, punchy stuff it will help there. Kicks more like ZZ Top than Pink Floyd.
It softens the highs a bit instead of making zingy fake highs, so it'll be harder to get modernistic sounds out of it (sounds kinda retro) but it will not go into crackling artifacts with your guitar tones. (That's coming off the treble of the guitars, not from having too much bass- if the Slate thing is able to grab onto highs from the guitars, not good, it'll crackle with them)
It will not do anything like giving an impression of clean at really high levels, it sounds a lil' dirty- but instead of shattering when pushed too hard, it just smoothly gets dirtier and dirtier as you go to levels ridiculously beyond anything else, and that's gotta be useful to some of you.
It WILL throw just a bit of intersample overs (you can get the free SSL plug for showing analog intersample overs here- http://www.solid-state-logic.com/music/x-ism/index.asp ) but that's with the Slate source file, which already throws more overs than the NC-17 version even before making it any louder- and the FG-X version bombs the meter with more overs than either. (Ozone bombs the meter too- but Voxengo Elephant throws NO overs at all- good job!)
I think that sums things up nicely, and I'm staying out of Slate threads with it as I'm fed up- if he would like to tell me that I am making up misinformation and lies that FG-X throws analog overs, on a metal forum with some pretty savvy posters after I've just linked them to the SSL meter that accurately registers those overs, then he will have talked obvious nonsense twice: and I don't think he can get mods to spank me here

Feel free to check in here for reality check, I'm just as quick to analyze the faults of my NC-17. Some people won't like the sort of softened tubey overdrive quality of it. But when you try to make a loudenator that can go +14 without screaming and fainting in a shower of trebly artifacts and fake rumble, something ALWAYS has to give, so with mine it's the grunged-out overdrive you get, instead of crackling. It might be easier to mix into- it's also AU only so for many of you it's a moot point

Also, some people are looking at NC-17 as a drum bus overdrive to replace clippers- it will put across more bass than a clipper, I know that.
Also, if you use an NC-17 as a sort of afterburner following FG-X and add just the 1.7 dB or so NC-17 loses to insertion loss (it's freeing up that much headroom at zero boost, but not using it yet), you then get no analog overs on the SSL meter.

NC-17's homepage is here. http://www.airwindows.com/nc-17.html
-Chris Johnson