Akefeldt - Lindgren : One of the greatest guitar duo ever ?


Still At Arms Length
Sep 3, 2002
The Edge
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I personally think that M. Akerfeldt and Peter Lindgren are one of the most incredible guitar duos out there.

I mean, look at how they complement each other... Their accoustic work is particularly impressive. Listen to the accoustic intro of "The Apostle in triumph" if you don't believe me :p

I don't see many other duos working together so well as these two. Period.
Dammit Blackout, I totally agree with you!!!

And, I'm glad you referred to one of the songs off of Orchid, because the music off that SPECTACULAR CD is truly beyond words. The Akerfeldt/Lindgren duo is ESPECIALLY apparent on this album, as well as Morningrise....together, they can't be beat!

Apostle as well as Twilight are breathtaking songs, but I prefer In Mist slightly more....

Anyway, I'd die if they made at least ONE more album along that style...with the dual-guitars. That truly made Opeth stand out, I think.
CladInDarkness : I compare them to nobody, I just think they work really well together... Often in metal we see guitar duos that are unbalanced (i.e. one of the guitar player is superior to the other and takes the lead more often or whatever)... But I think both opeth guitars work well together as a unit, as one.
oh man this forum is turning into the god damn in flames forum, but anyway sorry for my cynicism. Anyway Akerfeldt writes most of the music himself, therefore its basically all him , though the two must play tight to pull off their shit, they are not feeding off one another. There great, and all but i dunno there s too much crap. but anyway on to my real response

Oh my god you are so right! The Akerfeldt and Lindgren are so great. I wouldn't even put it past em that they are the greatest guitarists ever. I mean come on there riffs are just so damn deep, and emotional. No one else can play such beautiful music. Opeth I love you and I want to have gay anal sex with all the members in one big orgy!!!!!!
I completly agree....Akerfeldt and Lindgren is the most astonishing guitar duo I ever heard...The way they complete each other is incredible.

Exemples abound: To bid you farewell, Forest of October to name a few. Not that those are incredibly technical, but the emotion conveyed through the entire melody is pure sweetness.

Those guys rocks!
Well they seem to work together well, and weren't Orchid and Morningrise written mainly by Mikael AND Peter??? I was under the impression that Mikael became the sole song writer in MAYH and onwards...

Anyway, yeah I love the fact that the way the music is written and played to fit the song or to create atmosphere as opposed to break into a lead and wank all over the song... I really like the fact that Mikael admits that he's not an acomplished player, and that he's not trying to be... it's all about the music.

So yes, that's why they're my favourite guitar duo.
Agreed. Opeth's strength is in their writing of material... Mikael is an incredible writer of music. I believe he writes and has wrote all the material on every album (including Orchid and Morningrise)... sometimes ideas are not fully developed before he goes into the studio and I guess members of the band might help him out once there... He admits that he is not a great guitar player. Sure he can play some pretty technical stuff... but there are people who can do it a lot faster and better... Mikael has said that his true strength is his impeccable sense of timing. I have to agree with that... everything he plays just sounds right to me. He knows what sounds cool... and maybe that translates to everyone thinking Opeth are better musician's than they really are. Now if you were to say that overall, Mikael is one of the most talented (song writing, voice, and guitar playing ability) men in heavy metal music history... I tend to have to agree with that statement... he's the complete package.
Better in my opinion than James Hetfield in this regard. When I say that, I mean before Metallica became gay. Lol...
Lindgren is a good guitar player too... just not as good as Mike.
If you ever get a chance to see them live, you'll definitely come away impressed with their musicianship...

Anyway fwiw this is just my opinion. I'm sure all would agree they are light years ahead of most guitar players... especially all this new crap out there...

BTW - If you enjoy the acoustic passages on Orchid and Morningrise, might I suggest you check out some of the earlier material by Ulver. They have one totally acoustic album... which is quite beautiful... and another album that is about half acoustic and half black metal... Also check Dissection.,.. they didn't use nearly enough acoustic passages as I think they should have... but the ones they do use are excellent!

Anyone have any other recommendations, please let me know... I love acoustic guitar passages...
Yeah, they wrote Orchid and Morningrise together but Åkerfeldt was always the main songwriter.