Akercocke controversy


May 17, 2006
Toronto, Canada
so there has been considerable controversy regarding Akercocke's new album "Antichrist". the printing company in the US has refused to print the booklet based only on the title of the record and some crazy Christians in Northern Ireland are trying to stop the band from playing there.

Heres a video debate held in Ireland with the band and some other Christians, its pretty interesting / funny. http://www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/nolan/catchuptv/music.shtml

"We wouldn't want the Christian people of Ireland to ome and watch us because they wouldn't have a good time"
As far as I'm concerned, any metal band that spews "satanic" content is just as laughable as Christian metal. Satan is a construct of monotheistic religions in the first place.

That said, those two Christians were absolute tools. I love how the one guy says there needs to be boundaries to free speech - and I suppose he thinks he is best qualified to determine those boundaries...typical fundie assholes.
... and this is why I prefer bands that don't have any (or very little or subtle) religious messages

(edit : nothing against that band, I dont even know them/their material, I just don't care for the subject of religion very much)
... and this is why I prefer bands that don't have any (or very little or subtle) religious messages

(edit : nothing against that band, I dont even know them/their material, I just don't care for the subject of religion very much)

true, its probably better for bands to just keep personal things like religion out of their music, but I dont really care either way as long as musically theyre good. the whole "Satan satan satan" thing in music is pretty much a joke anyways.
I find it very sad when a band has to resort to lyrics that I used to write when I was an angst ridden teen back in grade seven to piss off my parents and freak out my teachers... The lack of creativity sickens me.
I watched part of that so-called talkshow but soon learned I wouldn't be hearing anything really world shocking. At a given point one of the bandmembers was trying to put a statement out there and all you could hear was two or three other people in the studio talking through it all. The host was obviously very hostile (pun not intended) towards the band since his comeback on their first answer was something along the lines of "If you want to take a piss out of this..." yadda yadda yadda.
Well perhaps it wasn't the best idea to put a near empty bottle of red wine right in front of them. That gives the impression you indeed merely want to throw a big, fat middle finger to the whole lot, while I like to think they had something more to say.

The real issue is narrow minded religious extremists are trying to censor a band as if we were living in the '50s and yet most people here are saying they think the supposed Satanic message of the band is the problem.
Metal's come a long way... No offence, lads.
I, myself, am a Christian man but i also promote freedom of speech and religion.
If certain Christians in Ireland don't like the band then you know what they should do? Not go to the fucking show! If you don't support it don't promote it but don't bitch about how they should be banned or some shit like that. They have just as much of a right as you to promote what they believe to be true.
I, myself, am a Christian man but i also promote freedom of speech and religion.
If certain Christians in Ireland don't like the band then you know what they should do? Not go to the fucking show! If you don't support it don't promote it but don't bitch about how they should be banned or some shit like that. They have just as much of a right as you to promote what they believe to be true.

well said
I, myself, am a Christian man but i also promote freedom of speech and religion.
If certain Christians in Ireland don't like the band then you know what they should do? Not go to the fucking show! If you don't support it don't promote it but don't bitch about how they should be banned or some shit like that. They have just as much of a right as you to promote what they believe to be true.

There, there!
Also, did those guys realise just how many people would turn up to see an underground metal band?

I think they just doubled the amount of people going to see akercocke at the N.Ireland show.

How is the decision by a private company not to press a cd 'censorship' in any way? Don't they have a right to choose who they want to do business with?
I, myself, am a Christian man but i also promote freedom of speech and religion.
If certain Christians in Ireland don't like the band then you know what they should do? Not go to the fucking show! If you don't support it don't promote it but don't bitch about how they should be banned or some shit like that. They have just as much of a right as you to promote what they believe to be true.

i know i just didnt see why it was such a big deal, if you dont like it, dont go