Akerfeldt/Candlemass...home studio??!!!

Well, ha, I actually got a bit proud that my little recording device is considered to be a "studio". It's a digital 8 channel called BR-8 which I totally recommend, cheap too, below $1000.
However, my "studio" is called Junkmail recordings Inc.

Jonas got one too...Cat's blues studios!
YDG - "...is anyone still receiving the DigitalMetal newsletter/email thing?"

Now that you mention it, I haven't. Maybe just resubscribeing will fix it. Could be just a glitch since the odd thing that happened earlier last week.

MA - "Junkmail recordings Inc. & Cat's blues studios!

Ah yes, I'd like to visit these FINE studios you speak of someday. :p :lol:

"In the wake of dawn,
The mist of morning linger before it leaves."