massive opeth news!!!

Originally posted by Soul4Raziel

You bring up a valid point. Does this mean each CD will be totally one or the other? I sure hope not. The aspect I love about Opeth the most is the switch between heavy and mellow within the individual songs, that is not to say that songs they have already made that contain only one or the other are bad.

Mikael did say that the heavy cd would still have some mellow parts and vice-versa. And don't forget that were talking about Opeth here, they do not disappoint. You just have to have some blind faith.:)

Remember those rumors that were going around a while ago that the new album would be called "Death:Rebirth". Perhaps the heavy cd will be entitled Death and the mellow one Rebirth. Just a possibilty.
Originally posted by Alucard

Mikael did say that the heavy cd would still have some mellow parts and vice-versa. And don't forget that were talking about Opeth here, they do not disappoint. You just have to have some blind faith.:)

Remember those rumors that were going around a while ago that the new album would be called "Death:Rebirth". Perhaps the heavy cd will be entitled Death and the mellow one Rebirth. Just a possibilty.

If they called the albums Death:Rebirth it would be sooo amazing. Though it's a very simple idea, an amazing concept and story could arise from this idea.

And the fact that it sounds similar to neon genesis's Death and Rebirth.

It would be good.

anyway, all this news requires the following response:

Originally posted by hibernal_dream
hmmm could they be doing this to get out of the contract with MFN?? if so, i don't know what to think...... :confused:

If that is the case, let us hope the quality of the album is not in jeopardy because they want to get the album done as soon as possible. I seriously doubt Opeth would let anything like that happen though.
::::If that is the case, let us hope the quality of the album is not in jeopardy because they want to get the album done as soon as possible. I seriously doubt Opeth would let anything like that happen though.:::

They won't, an MAYH interview back in 97 I remember Mikael saying "I may regret this later, but Opeth will NEVER put out a bad album." He said something else like not everyone may like it (naturally) but that it would meet their quality standards....
In the immortal words of The Onion:


Wow. I'm... wow. I remember much discussion of this notion (that around the Morningrise era as per Lee's suggestion as previously mentioned). I also seem to recall saying earlier myself that I predict the new record would open a new (a "third", looking at MAYH as the beginning of the second one) era for Opeth. This also seems to somewhat justify the "Death:Rebirth" rumours, whether this ends up being the title or not. I suppose Mike had to go with something really new.

Does anybody else get the feeling that if this goes ahead, it WILL be a ("the") major turning point in the career of Opeth (one way or another?)
Originally posted by Duvall
This is fantastic news, indeed. But Lee, wasn't this your idea???

I think credit should be given where credit is due.. ;)

yeah i did say that on the first page, but now i think of it, i think someone had inside info or something, if so, why did you not tell us earlier :)

And there was much rejoicing...

lets all eat the flag bearers :p
Originally posted by Duvall
Definitely. This is the beginning of it all. Almost a rebirth of sorts, again, I suppose. :p

Why are there two HellSpawns??

Well he didn't know. There's also a "spawn" somewhere on here and a "thespawned" or something like that (I can't remember) I think. I might be tempted to officially shorten it to simply "Hoser" if I had the option, although always liked the combination of the two.
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn

Well he didn't know. There's also a "spawn" somewhere on here and a "thespawned" or something like that (I can't remember) I think. I might be tempted to officially shorten it to simply "Hoser" if I had the option, although always liked the combination of the two.

my god man, shorten the name, then your web site would have less meaning, and the mighty hoserhellspawn, wimping out of a battle :eek: :p
What if it means that CD1 will be like thier older stuff (heavy as hell and full of death vocals) and Cd2 (Re-birth) will be the new direction the band will head in, staying heavy and everything but doing nothing but clean vocals from that album on???