massive opeth news!!!

well, shit yes, im extatic, and all i say is all you who laughed at that bloke that said the 2cd thingy and heavy and mellow was bullshit can all eat your words now, pat on the back whoever you were, cant quite remember maybe Lee B per chance. :) :) :) :)
::enters frosty hybernation mode. hopes fellow opethian will wake me up when the new album is out:: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
...ow,my chin!! :eek:

Just the right band to do a job like this, don't you think? I bet this will start a new chapter in Opeth's music, like MAYH years before.

Two albums also means there would very well be space for a new "Black Rose Immortal" , right? ;)
:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
x 26476540432597420685476

*I'm nuts*
This is soooooo fucking awesome!!!!!!
I am shocked! I didn't see this coming that's for sure. I will be supremely interested to see how it is all put together.
Obviously this is so different from anything that Opeth have (been previously / preposed) realeasing...I wonder if it will actually happen?

Exciting news in the world of Opeth! :D

By the way, how does digitalmetal get all this information? They reported the track listing on "The Dreadful Hours" before the MDB official site even had word! And the Emporer video seemed pretty exclusive...slowly building up quite an empire it seems.

:confused: :)
Originally posted by GuitarShredder
I dunno....1 heavy cd and 1 mellow. I always like Opeth's blend of the two together. I don't think I could stand an only heavy Opeth.

You bring up a valid point. Does this mean each CD will be totally one or the other? I sure hope not. The aspect I love about Opeth the most is the switch between heavy and mellow within the individual songs, that is not to say that songs they have already made that contain only one or the other are bad.
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel

You bring up a valid point. Does this mean each CD will be totally one or the other? I sure hope not. The aspect I love about Opeth the most is the switch between heavy and mellow within the individual songs, that is not to say that songs they have already made that contain only one or the other are bad.

no it will just be mainly one of the vocals, but not completely, i think thats whats said.
:: has hot flashes::
This is so great. there is no need to listen to other music besides opeth now :loco:
when your in the mood to put on something heavy you put on one cd, and when you want something lite, you put in the other. :) :) :) :) :)
i REFUSE to get TOO ecxited! i would hate to get all giddy about this, and then it not go through with the lable or something....
:p but it would definately rock!!!!