

Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington

fucking crazy-ass japanese anime movie. one of the most intense movies ever, seriously...anybody else seen it?
hahaha, that has to be the best "don't link my pics" graphic EVAR.

I've had this on VHS for about 8 years now. Still haven't watched it.
The movie was ok, not any of my favourite animes. The manga on the other hand totally blew me away. It is so much more. If you like the movie you need to read the manga!
Vilden said:
The movie was ok, not any of my favourite animes

The movie is great, and is probably my favoUrite anime! :tickled: I've yet to see anything that surpasses this work of genius (within the manga genre). The ending is like an acid trip, heh.
Yeah I've seen it. I have it on VHS and have been thinking about getting it on DVD but dont' know which version to get. I normally watch anime in Japanese with subs but I've only seen Akira dubbed so I might just stick with the dub on that. Problem is, like 2 or 3 different dubbed versions have been released. I'll stop being lazy and find out which I like and order it later. I just made a $70 or so anime order just a few weeks ago.
I've had it for about five years...never really got into it. I'm not really into headfuck-for-the-sake-of-headfuck anime :loco: