Al Zarqawi, and the Most Basic Philosophical Question

Keltoi said:
Let me get this straight. The "neo cons"..ewww..scary post-modern name, and "Mossad"...Jews of course, banded together to create Al-Qaeda and global terrorism to attack Islam and expand their global agenda? Of course, why didn't I see Then, the Bush family and the Bin Laden clan...yes, the Bin Laden "family" is actually a clan of around a thousand people, have some sort of criminal alliance to kill 3,000 Americans and cause many more deaths around the world for...what? Oil? Sorry to inform you of this but the Bin Laden fortune came from construction contracts, not oil. So all this bloodshed and criminal plots occurred to get more buildings contracts for the Bin Laden "family" and the Bush's get more business in Saudi Arabia? Again, of course, we should have all seen that one coming...

If you don't know what your talking about, why do you keep typing?

For one, no it's not JEWS, their may be some jewish people involved but this isn't a conspiracy of race. The members of not only Project for a new american centry, but the CFR(Council on Forgien relations), plus all the members in the "Builderburg Group" have planted intrests in War. They not only get Oil as a result, but no bid contracts to the Military Industrail COmplex. And the war machine runs on Oil. The bin laden family, builds, this is correct, but do you know that they build most if not all the us military bases in the middle east?
I mean just look at the ties between Vice President and Haliburton. Bush sr. would have been the CIA director during the time when Osama was trained to be a terrorist. He is a known CIA asset.

Now to instigate a war and to pollerize peoples opinions, because you can't just declare War on Saddam and Iqaq without proof. So they have their 'peal harbour type event" aka 9/11 to polarized the opinions of Americans to be in favour of going to war to kill the terroirst(or was it to build the oil pipeline that the taliban were refusing to allow) then to Iraq. But this terrorist attack also allow them to tighten the noose around the publics neck, gaining more secret powers to invade your pirvacy, and put you in a state of FEAR that any moment a terrorist could attack.... Not Likely.

Its odd that the day of the attacks, all you heard was "Osama and 911" in the same sentences. Like an echo for days. That level of repetitiveness is effective because It can breach the conscious mind and affect the unconscious mind where you are more open to suggestion. Besides there are no hard facts to link Osama to the 911 attacks, why do you beleive that he did orcastrate these attacks.

Police in Black uniforms and Ski masks are not my idea of safe.
speed said:
Basic as in fundamental. Im not going to argue semantics here, but you apparently understand what I was inferring, just not the idea that this interpretation is one of the definitions of the word. Perhaps English is not your native tongue?

You missed the point entirely. It's a basic ('fundamental') ethical question, but ethics is a peripheral field of philosophy. The fundamental, basic questions of philosophy as a whole are ontological. You have to deal with the issues of being first, before you can move to developing a meaningful ethical system.
Silver Incubus said:
If you don't know what your talking about, why do you keep typing?

For one, no it's not JEWS, their may be some jewish people involved but this isn't a conspiracy of race. The members of not only Project for a new american centry, but the CFR(Council on Forgien relations), plus all the members in the "Builderburg Group" have planted intrests in War. They not only get Oil as a result, but no bid contracts to the Military Industrail COmplex. And the war machine runs on Oil. The bin laden family, builds, this is correct, but do you know that they build most if not all the us military bases in the middle east?
I mean just look at the ties between Vice President and Haliburton. Bush sr. would have been the CIA director during the time when Osama was trained to be a terrorist. He is a known CIA asset.

Now to instigate a war and to pollerize peoples opinions, because you can't just declare War on Saddam and Iqaq without proof. So they have their 'peal harbour type event" aka 9/11 to polarized the opinions of Americans to be in favour of going to war to kill the terroirst(or was it to build the oil pipeline that the taliban were refusing to allow) then to Iraq. But this terrorist attack also allow them to tighten the noose around the publics neck, gaining more secret powers to invade your pirvacy, and put you in a state of FEAR that any moment a terrorist could attack.... Not Likely.

Its odd that the day of the attacks, all you heard was "Osama and 911" in the same sentences. Like an echo for days. That level of repetitiveness is effective because It can breach the conscious mind and affect the unconscious mind where you are more open to suggestion. Besides there are no hard facts to link Osama to the 911 attacks, why do you beleive that he did orcastrate these attacks.

Police in Black uniforms and Ski masks are not my idea of safe.

I suppose the bombing of the USS Cole was a manufactured event too. That is quite a web of conspiracy and diabolical plots you have woven there, with of course nothing but reaching circumstantial "evidence" of people who might possibly gain something from a war. As much as people like you would love to believe the U.S. government is a mystic super-secret center of lies and conspiracies, the truth is the American government has a hard time keeping anything under wraps. Top secret files and programs are leaked to the New York Times on an almost daily basis. I know it makes good drama to believe otherwise, but the truth is that Al-Qaeda, funded and organized by Kalid Sheik Mohammed, with a spiritual figurehead named Osama Bin Laden, planned, executed, and carried out a horrible terrorist act that killed 3,000 innocent people. Islamic fundamentalist terrorism has existed for decades, and now we have to deal with it ourselves. I can't take anything you say seriously if you can't face this basic reality.
Keltoi said:
I suppose the bombing of the USS Cole was a manufactured event too. That is quite a web of conspiracy and diabolical plots you have woven there, with of course nothing but reaching circumstantial "evidence" of people who might possibly gain something from a war. As much as people like you would love to believe the U.S. government is a mystic super-secret center of lies and conspiracies, the truth is the American government has a hard time keeping anything under wraps. Top secret files and programs are leaked to the New York Times on an almost daily basis. I know it makes good drama to believe otherwise, but the truth is that Al-Qaeda, funded and organized by Kalid Sheik Mohammed, with a spiritual figurehead named Osama Bin Laden, planned, executed, and carried out a horrible terrorist act that killed 3,000 innocent people. Islamic fundamentalist terrorism has existed for decades, and now we have to deal with it ourselves. I can't take anything you say seriously if you can't face this basic reality.

It is not what I have, it is what is reported, detailed in reports, official declassified documents and government memos.

I'm not making this up, I'm telling you this is what is going on, just peer down the rabbit hole and see how far it goes.

that page is full of news articles, just start reading them for yourself. People will say, we aren't going to be part of an American Union like in Europe.... except it is already being built.
The concept of an American Union is an interesting one that might actually make more sense from a collective security standpoint. An American Union including Canada, the U.S. and Mexico is probably not inconcievable at some point in the future. Traditional conservatives will rip their hair out and scream to the heavens, but it is possible.
As the world becomes more economically intertwined it will soon become necessary to create larger and more stable alliances. When I mentioned an American Union I was referring to a cooperative alliance between national leaders, not a territory grab.