Album I'm mixing....Natural kit (for the most part)


Sep 14, 2008
So, I've been going back and forth with an album I'm mixing, and I've finally reached a place where I'm pretty happy with it with this track I've posted. Guitars were reamped with a VH4 and a Rivera K Tre through a Rivera K412 with V30/G12t75 x pattern.

The kit is natural, with SSD Kick 10 to beef up the kick just a touch (it's 70% real kick, 30% sample), and the snare has a very attacky one-shot sample with a similar ratio as the kick, again just for some beef. The kick and snare samples follow the dynamics of the drums as closely as possible. The toms were hand-muted then had tails flown in that were from samples taken of this kit during tracking....Then they were murdered with EQ because the toms were damn-near unusable....and in fact, I almost ditched them. I actually did a mix previous to this one where the entire kit was replaced, but after listening back, I trashed it.

Bass was just a DI, a PSA-1 track and a Maxon OD808 grit track. Each track was sent through my LA2A with about 10db of reduction on peaks. Everything was treated after that in the fairly standard way.

Didn't really have to do much to the vocals. Due to the singer's unique "clean" vocal style, pitch correction was hopeless. Love it or hate it, it is what it is. It's actually grown on me a lot.

Quarters Burn

There's a little bit of tweaking to do here and there, mainly low-end balance stuff and some automation. This mix came together, from the ground up, in about 30 minutes, not including reamping.
The low end is mostly OK, Maybe a little more low shelf way down there lower than 50hz

Guitars are a bit harsh, try some more high shelving.
That's a bit vague. I assume you're saying I should attenuate some of the top end in the guitars, but shelving in the low end, below 50?
I agree the distorted guitars need to be attenuated more in the highs, maybe try pulling down the low pass further and some small notches somewhere around 3-5khz. And/or make some more room for that bass grit, it sounds awesome.
Love how it sounds! Yeah the guitars are on the 'high side' but I quite like them. I agree with Ascendant, this bass sounds great bring it up a bit.
Speaking about bass tone, here's a thread I wrote. Would be awesome to have a clip of your 3 bass tracks each ones soloed... Could you?
Love how it sounds! Yeah the guitars are on the 'high side' but I quite like them. I agree with Ascendant, this bass sounds great bring it up a bit.
Speaking about bass tone, here's a thread I wrote. Would be awesome to have a clip of your 3 bass tracks each ones soloed... Could you?

Thanks dude! I'll rip some bass tones out today. Not necessarily my "best" but my most recent and I'll post em up.

I'm thinking maybe the kick could have a bit more low-end thump to it, thoughts?
This sounds good! I like the vocalist.
The guitars sit good in the mix but on their own they do sound abit fizzy.

and to your question, imo yeah the kick could use more thump
Great mix. I've been listening to a lot of references lately and let met tell you something, this is perfectly fine. Guitars are not too abrasive, they are just a tad bit loud, thats all. Kick sounds great (dont change it because you have a few sub bombs in there it will drown the mix out, my monitors have great low end imo and it sounds perfectly fine on my monitors). Toms sound well spaced. The bass can be turned up a tad bit. My only critique is the snare sounds drowned out in some areas but it sounds fine in the mix as a whole.
man that singer is out of key. can you upload the di of the vox ? i would like to try and correct that for practice,
Yea, he's out of key, unfortunately. The simple fact is....he has no concept of pitch. I tracked the vocals with him, and I even tried going in and singing the line (i have pretty good pitch when I sing) then having him sing along with it....No dice.
Updated mix sounds grand.

I'm listening on laptop and everything's cutting through rather nicely.

Good work J.