Album recommendation


New Metal Member
Dec 25, 2004
I listened to a couple of jap panzer songs and they are really good and I want to buy a album but I dont know wich one. What would you recommend as a first?
My first one was "Mechanized Warfare". It led me to buy "Casting the Stones" and "Thane to the Throne". Any one of those three is money well spent...
My first one was Mechanized Warfare, too. It looked like destiny. Before I listened to Jag Panzer at Century Media´s website, I had never seen any of their records at my local store. After listening to King At A Price, Jag Panzer albums started to appear there and the shop owner told me they were releasing a new album, and it was Mechanized Warfare. I will never forget when I heard Take To The Sky for the first time. Even today, it still works like musical healing to me. So, I recommend Mechanized Warfare!
Hey, drunk hobo, which songs did you hear? Knowing the titles would help with recommending albums. I'd say take a look at the JP discography at and then buy the albums which carry the songs you like. But IMHO you can't go wrong with The Fourth Judgement (my first JP album), The Age Of Mastery, Mechanized Warfare and Casting The Stones. Thane To The Throne took a while for me to really appreciate, so I wouldn't recommend it as your first.
If you're more into old school Heavy Metal, then Decade Of The Nail Spiked Bat should be the right album for you.
Thanks for the replies. I went ahead and ordered machanized warfare since thats the album i heard the most songs from and it seems to be the most recommended. Jean-Piere, ample destruction will need to wait for another time :Smug:
Hate to sound like a n00b, but other than Thane to the Throne, Mech, Casting the Stones and Nail Spiked bat, I haven't heard any of the *older stuff. I don't know what Macbeth gets such a bad rep, I couldn't stop listening to it when I first heard it. I used to listen to that whole CD 2 or 3 times a day. So when Mechanized Warfare came out, I bought it.

Cold is the Blade is the song that really hooked me on to Warfare. I'm a sucker for the warrior type metal songs.

And Achilles from Casting the Stones is the best 2:45 seconds of music I have ever heard!

*Oh yeah, I know that it IS the old stuff, but you know what I meant
I like everything this band has released, bar none (well...except for Dissident Alliance). It's just that their first album is such a set-in-stone classic that it's unbelievable. Easily my favourite.
My first Jag Panzer experience was the song Battered and Bruised (Mark suggested I give it a spin and I was hooked) SOOO I acquired a copy of Casting the Stones and am now in the process of buying up the entire back catalogue...I have Mechanical Warfare now as well and it DOES kick ass...but Battered and Bruised is a personal favorite (from Casting the Stones)...Mark, am trying to work this beast up by ear but thinking I may need tablature aid're a tricky rhythm player sometimes, but that's a GREAT thing.
I grew up in Colorado and have been listening to metal since about 1984. I always knew about Panzer, but never had a way of hearing them... I even remember reading an article in the Rocky Mountain News about them looking for a singer just before the found Daniel Conca... Sorry, I digress.

I finally checked out their website after hearing a bunch of people talking about how good "Thane to the Throne" was. I downloaded "King at a Price" and was hooked. Harry's voice was what did it. Shortly after that "Mechanized Warfare" came out and they topped "Thane". I'd definitely recommend getting "Mechanized Warfare".
I just received my mechanized warfare cd 3 days ago, its great, it seems to get better every time I listen to it :)