Album sound test - Superior Drummer 2.0, LePou Le456

Well, an album is not only a musical, but also a commercial phenomenon. And I wouldn't buy that, sorry. But here's a few tips to improve :)
- Snare is wicked loud, but don't turn it down, bring everything else up with a limiter and comp on the masterbus!
- Guitars are a bit muddy, they lack that "metallic" living anger you know. The Le456 gives you kinda boxy tones, i've been trying out some Nick Crow ampsims (the 8505 and the 7170) and they work just fine for me. perhaps you should give them a try.
- Kickdrum needs less thud and more punch! Try eq'ing away all the boomy frequencies, like 125-300hz and a cut around 500 hz, then boost at the highs, maybe a little around 2khz if you want it sounding Sturgis!
- Do you have a lowpass on your overheads? 'Cause the cymbals sound a bit too "full" for the mix, they need to "shine" more.

Well, just some opinions and my two cents really, but it has worked for me, and it is like everyone says; THERE ARE NO RULES! And that's why I love this business.
Thanks for the feedback; I appreciate it and I'll keep in mind your suggestions.

I wouldn't buy an album with this kind of music either. My band's music is not so simplistic and boring; I just decided to make something up on the spot to test the sound. Maybe I should record something that reflects my band's style next time :D.

By the way, there is no low pass on the overheads.