Album suggestion...


Metal Obsessive Webmaster
Feb 10, 2002
Banbury, UK
Greetings all!

I would like to purchase an Anathema album (I own none as of yet) but am not sure which one I should buy first. So I was wondering if you peeps would be able to suggest to me which record you think I should buy.

My favourite band are My Dying Bride, and I am mainly a fan of melodic death metal. I am very fond of what Anathema I have heard, and all of that has been from the more recent, softer albums, however, I am also a fan of the more melodic doom metal.

So, judging by this information, what would all advise I get? (I would just have brought Resonance, but itend to eventually invest in several more Anathema records, so I figured that would be a bit of a waste) Cheers!
Hmm not too easy regarding your taste (melodic death). If you want slow doom-death like the early My Dying Bride then go for Serenades. If you don't want it to be that extreme but you still want growls as vocals try Pentecost III and The Silent Enigma (the 2 best ones i.m.o.). If you want something with clean vocals and melodic clean guitars go for Alternative 4, Judgement or A Fine Day to Exit. Eternity is good as well but it's the first album where Vinnie tried clean vocals and it's sometimes a bit off-key. Anyway, they don't have bad albums so you can't go very wrong.
Alternative 4 is absolutely essential, this is my personal favourite and so thinks the majority of Anathema fans on this board...

You just can't afford to miss it...

P.S. The Silent Enigma is actually my least favourite Anathema album, but that's just my opinion. Maybe you should check out some songs in advance and base you choice on what you hear. Here's some song suggestions which are kinda representative for each album.

From "Serenades":
- Sweet Tears
- Sleepless
- They Die

From "The Silent Enigma":
- Restless Oblivion
- A Dying Wish (a lot of fans like it very much, though I personally don't think it's that special...)

From "Eternity":
- Angelica
- Eternity part I

From "Alternative 4":
- Fragile Dreams
- Re-connect
- Regret

From "Judgement":
- Deep
- Forgotten Hopes

From "A Fine Day To Exit":
- Pressure
- Leave No Trace

There will be people who'll say, "noooo, you gotta check out this song and that song!", but I think the mentioned tracks will give you good judgement of each album.
Yep, considering your music taste, I would also recommend "Silent Enigma". It takes its time to open, but when that happens, the whole universe crushes on you...
And what comes to "Dying Wish", well, it's quite simple and maybe too "single-like" song compared to albums other songs, but that main riff, it's genious! And it works on stage like an army of zombies!!!
great user name, SATANIC BLOWFISH!

Heh heh, why thankyou!

Well, Stevie, considering your lack of appearance in the last god knows how long, The Silent Enigma would seem a good try

Lmfao, bah :grin:.

Extreme thanks must be given to everyone who has assisted me, it is very much appreciated, and I will be using my new found Anathema knowledge widely over the next few weeks :D.